Dear Melinda,

Thanks for your response.

Just a couple of words I try to tell myself - Beware
of snake oil vendors.

While "snake oil merchants" are present in all forms
of medicine, they seem to abound in the arena of the
so called "Natural Cures".

In closing, let's remember that there are good and bad
doctors; and well and inappropriately prescibed
medications esp antibiotics and psychiatric


please see this article and the comment at the foot of
the article

From: "David Powell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Saturday, February 07, 2004 9:50 PM
Subject: Nature Cures Melinda Powell

Dear Jose,

I thoroughly enjoyed reading your reply and believe
me, I learned new things.It was my first mail on
goanet, I didnt mean to stir up a hornet's nest or
rather a bee's hive(honey related)

My comments were written on the spur of the moment, no
sources, no websites. It was a reaction,because we
recently had an illness in the family,spent a lot of
money,and I witnessed the effects of the prolonged use
of allopathy.

No,I did not give my kids honey as infants,thanks for
your concern. At present I use a little bit of honey
to knock of the harsh taste of ginger juice. I did
check the careful parents website. Thanks.

When I suggested natural cures,I meant home remedies
from natural sources,grandma's remedies for minor
ailments. Also sometimes, when cases are terminal, and
even the doctors give up,what harm is there in trying
out natural  known remedies ?

About the longevity of our forefathers,I do admit,my
information is anecdotal.They did die because of lack
of vaccines and medical know-how, but they didnt have
to cope with stress, hypertension ----problems related
to modern times. They breathed pure air, didnt have to
cope with pollution, and they did a lot more physical
activity than we do, today.

I am a commited Christian by choice. I do believe God
has good plans for his people. Illness is a part of
human life,and I do believe that the good Lord gives
us the courage and strength to cope.


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