Dear Godfrey,

I beg to disagree with your perception that any
particular group or caste 'called the shots' for the
music festival. It does injustice to the people from
varied backgrounds who worked hard to make this event
a success. 

You have also erred on the name of Sridhar Kamat.
Sridar Kamat Bambolkar is a noted artist who is also a
trustee of the Konkani Sangeet ani Natak Akademi(a
trust set up by Konkani Bhasha Mandal) which organised
this festival. But Sridhar Kamat ( a different person
altogether) is an engineer by profession, a member of
KBM, also a trustee of the KSNA , who was actively
involved in the organization of this event

Jose Lourenco.

--- godfrey gonsalves <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
wrote:.......Therefore while Cristaos and Bahujan
Samaj youth and middle aged persons were propped up
the old cast faded into oblivion and the Saraswat
Hindu youth called the shots.....
Mr Shridhar Kamat Bambolkar the architect behind the
entire organisation plainly stated "there is as of
today  no conflict between Konkani and Marathi.  The
language issue has been given a decent .........

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