Dear Mr. Bhatcar,

Thanks for your explanation.

1.Normally we tend to always think that Goans are not
serious in their profession or studies, very well said
a goan has to be dedicated , cost is very high , books
like Agarwal , an awareness is very important , either
someone likes to do things because he/she is
interested or because he/she is interested they like
to do it. Everything is intense in today's competitive
world, and given a chance you will soon see goans in
these IAS/IFS/IPS fields.

It is not as if that Goans are not interested in these
fields, firstly open up this subject by defining it to
the maximum to the Goans, some ground work is to be
done, you just cannot say GOans should show
dedication, interest, cost too much money , intense,
half of the battle is lost with your words.It is like
advising students please do not go for medicine
because there are dead bodies , or do not study law
because of xyz reasons.Just by availing Agarwal books
you don't study on your own there are lecturers who
can guide you.

If you mean it is costly, so many industrialists, in
goa ,NGO's some help from the Government, put up the
proposal on this issue 'am sure you will get a
positive reply, after all a goan in IAS/IFS/IPS or
allied services will be in the interest of Goa /Goans
and the people at Large. 

Mr. Bhatcar, i am like any other goan free to express
that Goans are indeed a special breed, but i have not
made any comparisions nor distinctions, every
community is free to think it the way they want it
neither you nor i nor anyone for that matter can stop
my right of freedom of expression. 

Mr. Bhatcar , you got it wrong I have not mentioned
about superiority , its like forcing your words in my
mouth , you have your likes and dislikes and it is not
compulsory that we should be on the same wavelength.

Indeed there are places that treat indians as
outsiders,if you invest in a country then you are a
investor, but if you employ expats. in the positions
which a local can do then you are looked down upon to
the extent that your work permit is rejected. Why
would you employ an outsider in your own country/state
when there are so many locals who are jobless ? 

--- Nagesh Bhatcar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: >
Dear Mr. Araujo, 
> Here are my replies to the points raised by you 
> >Dear Mr. Bhatcar, 
> > 
> >Wonder if there is a centre in Goa for training 
> Goans 
> >in the IAS exams, but if one reads the Competition 
> >success a book on how students prepare themselves, 
> for 
> >this exam,one can get the picture of this IAS, what

> >one must study , the objective papers and many 
> other 
> >papers, there must be Goans who would like to 
> pursue 
> >their studies in IAS but where is the guidance? it 
> is 
> >very easy to question as to how many goans tried 
> the 
> >IAS exam's?But at the same time one should also 
> >question, can we set up a centre in Goa for this 
> exam? 
> > 
> IAS/IFS/IPS entrance exams are pretty intense and 
> require 
> a fair amount of committment from individuals. One 
> requires 
> a basic Bachelor's degree, before going through a 
> process of 
> preliminary exams, Main exams plus interviews. 
> Potential 
> candidates to these exams require indepth knowledge 
> of 
> History, Civics, Public Administration, General 
> Knowledge. 
> Unless there is fair amount of interest from Goans, 
> it will 
> not make any business sense for anybody to start an 
> institute 
> to train for IAS preparatory exams. It is going to 
> cost every 
> potential candidate, a lot of money to get there. 
> Lots of 
> Goans have entered IITs either on their own or by 
> attending 
> Aggarwal classes in Bombay or correspondence 
> courses. 
> I am sure that a really dedicated Goan, interested 
> in IAS/IPS/ 
> IFS will go that route to achieve his goals. 
> I think that Goans are more apt at pursuing studies 
> in 
> Medicine, Engineering, Pharmacy, Architecture or 
> Law. 
> Government service is not looked at favourably. 
> There are a lot of books out there, if one is 
> interested. 
> >Whether one may like it or not, GOANS are a 
> special 
> >breed and it is an accepted fact atleast in the 
> >african countries , the rest of the countries i do 
> not 
> >know. 
> > 
> From my observations, many on Goanet are in the 
> habit 
> of putting down non-Goans or 'Indians'. Having 
> interacted 
> with a lot of Indians and people from many countries

> of the 
> world, I must say that there is no distinguishing 
> feature that 
> should warrant a tag of we, Goans, being superior to

> others 
> in anyway! 
> >Again i would like to mention, on Goans holding 
> >influential positions overseas, who can establish 
> >whether the said Goans hold these key positions in 
> >Government offices or either they are businessmen 
> or 
> >on work permit, or employed by some multinational 
> >firms, or are now citizens. 
> > 
> Your statement above is pretty confusing. Goans 
> reside 
> in a lot of countries around the world. My question 
> was, 
> whether it would be okay to discriminate against us,

> just 
> because we are not from that part of the world, just

> as 
> we Goans constantly look down upon 'Indians' or 
> 'Outsiders'. 
> Granted that Goa is a bit different from the rest of

> India 
> due to the Portuguese influence, but that in no way 
> makes 
> us Superior!! 
> >Vivek 
> > 
> >I 
> > 
> Nagesh Bhatcar 

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