I liked your positve outlook,and helpful comments about "Moving Back To
I have been born and brought up in Bombay,but I found life getting
impersonal,hectic and the pollution was getting unbearable.We moved to
Goa,much to my family and friends consternation,and they were so sure that
Goa was only a holiday home for us.It is four years now,since we have
settled here and I love being in Goa.Yes ,I do crib about the power going
off,crazy driving etc,but I am happy to see that Goa is making progress,slow
as it may be.
What I really appreciate about Goa is the people.Yes,we have an occasional
rapist,or crab mentality goans,but there are also some very warm genuine
people.Ive travelled all over the world,but no where have I  met such
sincere warm people who are kind,without ulterior motives.
I love the women who sell home grown veggies in the market places.They chat
with you,give you an honest deal,even throw in extra stuff without you
asking them too.I was so touched some days ago,when one lady selling
bananas,offered each of my twins a banana, free.She noticed how my smallies
were bothering me,and she gave them a banana each just to distract them,keep
them busy.
So many times,if I dont have change,Ive been told to pay the money the next
day---this comment coming from strangers,who trust me to pay them at a later
date is amazing.
In this selfish world,I find there is warmth ,camaraderie,and friendship
here.While many people may have bad experiences(I have to),I still choose to
live here,and focus on the positive.With Watch dog groups,with more people
being involved in being proactive,I think Goa is slowly heading in the right
Melinda Powell.

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