A very good article indeed. Many thanks to Zinette for having put it on
goanet. Only a minor correction, though, is called for. That's when Mohan
Sivanand refers to «Silvassa, Gujarat». Silvassa does not fall in Gujarat
state but is the capital of the Union Territory of Dadra & Nagar Haveli.


 ----- Original Message -----
Zinette Fernandes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote
on Thursday, March 04, 2004 6:38 AM
Subject: [Goanet]Life Saver!!!

 A Readre's Digest  "LIFE SAVER"

Buckle Up and Live!
By Mohan Sivanand

Driving home from his factory in Silvassa, Gujarat, Mumbai businessman
Dilip Vakharia, 46, had just completed half the 160-kilometre journey when a
herd of cows began crossing the highway. To avoid hitting the animals,
pulled off the road. But as he got back on the highway, Vakharia's Esteem
skidded into an approaching lorry. Although the car was smashed beyond
repair, Vakharia, and his brother Ashok, 48, who was sitting beside him,
escaped without injury.


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