On Tue, 9 Mar 2004, Dr. [UNKNOWN] José Colaço wrote:

> Now.....if you read my post in toto, you just might realise that I 
> wasn't referring to the Bakshish culture in School Entry alone.....but 
> to the Bakshish culture completamente (;-)

Are you suggesting (i) that all things in Goa were generally better prior 
to 1961 or (ii) that some things were better prior to that date or (iii) 
if the Portuguese had continued ruling, we wouldn't have had some/all 
problems we're facing today?

Please let us know how anyone could justify the first or third 
insinuations, if this is what you mean. Your arguments however 
tend to go around in circles, and duck the point. 

Nostalgia and thinking of them-good-days is an attitude which makes one 
feel reassured with having to cope with the past we've lived with. But 
it's not sufficient to a region forward.

Or else, we could just be more honest about our feelings and say, like the 
writer M G Vassanji (ex-Nairobi, ex-Dar) said recently in Tehelka: "The 
whites left too early." 

He incidentally also talks about corruption ("It is easy to corrupt 
people in countries like Kenya, a million dollars there means a lot. 
Besides, these countries were treated like pawns in a larger  
international game.") The article also talks about his "homecoming for  
himself across three continents, none of which have ever quite belonged to  
him"....  Is it possibly a sense of alienation that's speaking up?


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