--- Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> One thing though, the way to tackle this kind of problem is defintely
> not by denying history, like denying that the Inquisition ever happened,
> or that the Portuguese destroyed temples and built churches. Rather, one
> must confront these facts and place them in correct historical
> perspective.

Organizations like the Sangh Parivar exist and thrive on xenophobia. Even if you
were to destroy all the Churches in Goa and replace them with grand Temples, the
Sangh Parivar would still come up with another issue to whip up hatred against their
perceived "enemies". Perhaps, this time it could be why do the Goan Catholics have
European names, or something of that sort, and then unleash a campaign to rename all
Goan Catholics with Indian names. 

Your solution applies to the other 75% of Indians who as rational human beings would
be perfectly happy, as you say, to receive acknowledgement of past injustices and
our own collective effort to preserve this history.


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