Sachin wrote:
>So I wonder if Gilbert is really a person with good intention, and
>not an enemy of the Catholic church.  As I said earlier his going
>over the issues over and over again is irksome.

Gilbert is a valiant defender of the historical truth and the Catholic
Church. Often times the truth is irksome. If you want to stop him from
going over the issues over and over again you should stop challenging
his truthful words. Truth and statistics are on his side. Having
conducted extensive historical and statistical research, and having
read excerpts from David Goldstein's book he has proven conclusively
that the Catholic Church had nothing to do with the inquisition. It
had nothing to do with the destruction of temples and building of
churches in their place. No church was built in the exact spot where a
temple once stood. The Catholic Church had nothing to do with forcible
conversions. Actually, there were no forcible conversions. Those who
got converted did so willingly by undergoing a change in their minds
and hearts. That is why destruction of temples, which was only done by
one horrible Portuguese captain, was counterproductive to the cause of
conversion by gentle persuasion. Those who don't believe this have
less than two cells in their brains. So please shut up and listen to him.



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