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Dear Editor
Gomantak Times

Someone wisely said, Failure is something we can avoid by saying nothing,
doing nothing and being nothing  and may I add that silence on our part
will embolden these demi-Gods to act as asuras.  I guess we have to assert
ourselves and be pro-active in terms of putting our protests across and
that can be achieved if the media and ofcourse the police heirarchy are
flooded with letters from likeminded citizens voicing their protests rather
than cursing the administration within the 4 walls and in the markets.

I believe that all of us want to reach out and help to fight injustice.  If
push come to shove, I would come down from my cozy nook and high horse on
to the street and I am sure the like-minded citizens will join me and other
social activists in solidarity.   Our objective is to strengthen, synergise
and compliment our thoughts and protests graciously, so that together we
can curtail/stop all this bullying and justice meted out.

In the meantime, I appeal to those who hold the reins of power to desist
from misusing their power to victimize innocent citizens.

Chris Fernandes

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