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V.Rangel Ribiero wrote:
"Far from pushing caste
under the rug, I write about it in my fiction. I believe I can more readily
influence minds through my fiction writing---as in my novel, Tivolem, that
deals with caste, prejudice, gossip, and the evil eye, among other issues---
than through personal argument and confrontation.

The written word can be a powerful tool, and I will continue to use it."


Dear Victor,

It is so good that you are addressing important issues like
caste,prejudice,evil eye  through fiction.The written word does influence
people and with good inputs from writers like you ,it is bound to make a

It is amazing how so many so called intellectuals and "educated" people
believe in caste based notions of superiority/heirarchy and are steeped in

Maybe this issue should be addressed in konkani dramas as well.


Melinda Coutinho Powell

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