--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tariq,
> Because you have run out of ideas, you have now fallen
> back on demanding that an old and ill person like
> myself go to Iraq, which is what I called stupid (I
> apologize for using this word) and insensitive (which
> is a word I stand by).  Let me turn that around.
> Since you are far younger and healthier than I am, why
> aren't you in the middle-east to defend the Muslim
> radicals you seem to sympathize with from the
> Americans and Israelis?  You obviously know how to get
> there.

Your response is one that is expected from the Chickenhawks. They will try every
trick in the book to avoid fighting a war they so much believe in simply because
they want other people to die for their assumptions. 

And when those assumptions are proved wrong, they do not even have the heart in 
to apologize. Instead, they start parroting lies about democracy.

The fact is quite clear here, if your support the war so much, you have a 
choice to
go and fight it instead of sending a young 20 year old to his death and asking
him/her to give up on his dreams and ambitions. 

As far as I am concerned, it seems that you still are yet to learn that 
opposing one
point of view does not mean an endorsement of the opposite point of view. That 
not unexpected from you. You have consistently displayed a tendency not to even
fathom a thought other than the lies of the neocons. 

I fail to understand why that is the case. The only logical conclusion I can 
come up
with is that the neocons have got some dirty pictures of you in compromising
positions, that is why you feel it necessary to peddle these lies and defend the
> Let's say you all are hypothetically correct about all
> your assertions.  

Let us not talk hypothetically here. You know that I am right, but for perhaps 
reason noted above, refuse to acknowlege the truth. 


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