TO: Tariq Siddiqui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


You are on very thin ice in continuing to argue that
Saddam had no WMDs but lost his cushy dictatorship
because he was unable to show the UN inspectors that
he did not, even while having 12 years to do so. 
Maybe this makes sense to you and your mini-gang on
Goanet.  It doesn't make sense to me.

I realize that it must be very painful for you to see
Saddam Hussein and the Sunni Baathists forcefully
removed from power after brutalizing the majority Shia
and Kurds for 35 years.

And yes, I'm afraid that it is counter-intuitive for
you to so steadfastly argue against the removal of one
of the most brutal dictators in modern times, going as
far as to twist ever fact in order to make your case,
and then complain when people deduce that you
supported that dictator.  Absolute truth (Iraq had no
WMDs) without context and perspective (what happened
to the ones he had?) is no longer truth.

You continue to spread the propaganda that the US lied
about Iraq's WMDs, while refusing to deal with the
question as to why the entire UN were demanding to
know the answer for 12 years, ten years before George
Bush became president of the US.  Even someone just
arriving from Mars would include the entire world body
among the liars.  But, no, not you!

--- Mario Goveia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Tariq, not to belabor the point, but even if you are
> right about everything (which you are not), and
> everyone else except you and Ronald and a couple of
> your cabal are liars, IT DOES NOT MATTER!!!
> The Iraqis are going to get their freedom and
> democracy no matter what you guys want to believe! 
> Don't you get it?  The era of Sunni Baathist
> and domination in Iraq is OVER!

Yes, that is reality. The same way that the reality is
the fact that 
Bush and his
cohorts lied to the nation and the world to a war. 

The fact that Saddam Hussein and his cabal are not in
power does not 
absolve you or
your godfathers of lying, and in your case, continuing
to peddle those 

It seems that lies do not bother you. That is
certainly not a pleasant 
aspect of you
to learn about.


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