From: "cornel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I wonder how fellow Goans might explain the catastrophic Indonesian earthquake and its aftermath. Was it the act of a very angry God? Cornel

Hi Cornel:

I hope not. Why would God be so angry with Sri Lankans and South Indians?

How about this for a pseudo-scientific theory.
Most of the North American continent has been gripped by severe winter weather. This unseasonal cold could perhaps (?) have caused the surface of the earth in this area to unseasonally shrink - faster than usual. Could this have caused the tectonic plate in this region to tend to curve concavely (like a bi-mettalic strip) thus easing the frictional force between plates in this area causing them to shift a little thus affecting the plates in other areas that constitute "the ring of fire"?

Good to blame it all on to global warming . . . and even better if you factor the US as a non signatory to Kyoto? Whaddya think, Mario?

Hey, I said it was pseudo-scientific . . . . so please no flames.


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