Message: 5
Date: Thu, 30 Dec 2004 12:58:16 +0530
From: floriano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Open letter to Mr. Manohar Parrikar, the Chief Minister of GOA.

Dear Floriano

My hats off to you for this bold piece -  a sensitised & hurt Goan ala
David letting out a war cry to Goliath. Yr open letter may not create
waves but will definitely make a dent to its hidden agenda, which has
earlier plundered Ayodhaya followed by Gujarat and many other areas where
people have not opposed these hidden facets of fascism.  I am confident
that majority of our ganvbhav including Hindu brethen are aware of this
mischief, which if we dont stem the rot and nip it in the bud, will cause a
tsunani wave of communalism in and around peaceful Goa, wreaking havoc
amongst the ganvbhav and the economy.

I have taken the liberty of forwarding yr open ltr to all my friends to
sensitize them and make them aware of whats happening in Goa.

Keep up the good work, more power to your arm and may your tribes increase

May U & all the netters have a peaceful and a violence-free New Year and

Chris Fernandes
Ph:  56261470

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