By:     Daniel F. de Souza

 I am not much accustomed  to making new year resolutions and if by chance I
make a few resolutions I am very bad at keeping them.  On the contrary I
would rather make a few commitments to myself  on a day-to-day basis and see
that I fulfill them in totality no matter how I go about it.  But then,
making new year resolutions is the in thing today.    And perhaps, this
could be the only reason that I gave a serious thought for making a few new
year resolutions for myself.  Just for a change in I thought I should  begin
the year on a different note and live by the resolutions I make.  But,
somewhere deep inside me I knew  that the trouble I take  in making the
resolutions may not be worthwhile if I am not able to keep up the
resolutions.  But then again, taking shelter under the age old maxim " A job
well begun is half done" I decided to give it a serious try.  And just to
keep a record, I took a blank paper and a pen and sat down to note down my
intended resolutions..I began by noting them serially. Top on the list of my
resolutions was.1}.  Never leave a job incomplete or undone for tomorrow.
(For tomorrow never comes)  2).  Call it a day at least by l l.00 p.m. in
the night and begin the day early at least by 5.00 a.m. in the morning.
("For early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise" -
and believe me I need all the three assets very badly in the new year). 3).
Make sufficient time for recreation and games and for exercise too ( For,
 All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy').

 I was about to note down the next resolution in black and white when my
better half  appeared in front of me and asked 'So, what is it that keeps
you so very  busy today? I wish you could lend me a helping hand with...'
even before she could complete her sentence I cut her short by answering..
 I am engrossed with making my resolutions for the new year and this time I
am putting them down in black and white".

-" Oh no, not again! I have had enough of your new year resolutions for the
last 9 years, or is it 10 years?  For heavens sake please don't waste your
precious time making some meaningless resolutions, which you very well know
you will not keep.  Have you anytime in the past been serious about your new
year resolutions? Believe me they are not meant for people like you " my
wife blurted out her mind looking mockingly at me.
-"Come don't have to sound so sarcastic..instead you could lend
me a piece of your mind in framing some really worthy new year resolutions
and thereafter also see that I keep them in  letter and spirit.  Perhaps,
you could even act as my watch dog to see that I don't go astray from my
" Watch dog, my foot! Do you remember the resolutions you had made to your
self last year?"
" Oh yes honey..I do remember them.  I had resolved to give you much more
time.than I presently do.restrict my time on the on and so
forth..." I replied meekly.
" But what is the point, even before the sun could set on the new year's day
you forgot all about your resolutions.  So, where is the  point in making
new year resolutions if you can't keep them in letter and spirit?"
" That's alright my love, you don't have to blow hot and cold over such a
trivial matter.  Neither do you have to be so serious about it.  After all
resolutions are meant to be broken.  And I don't think I have committed any
serious offence under the law".

 The phone rang with a deep shrill and I instantly jumped up to pick the
receiver leaving behind the piece of paper containing my precious
resolutions on the table.  Having attended the phone, after ten minutes I
returned back to my table only to find my little daughter Bernice deeply
occupied in some activity with her wax colour crayons.

" What are you doing my ..sweety..pie?" I asked her, bending down to see
what she was up  to.  She looked up at me with a naughty little grin and
said, " It's Christmas time and I am drawing a picture of Santa Clause.  Do
you want to see it Dada ?"

 I peeped to see what she was up to and was stunned to see the thick crayon
lines had messed up the resolutions I had put down in black and white.  The
crazy lines she had drawn, crossing each other  like the ones drawn to keep
the cockroaches at bay in the kitchen had no resemblance to Santa Claus in
any respect whatsoever.

 " Where did you get this paper from ?" I asked her with a little stern
voice putting in a great effort to look serious.  She giggled and pointed
her finger towards her Mama.  And her Mama in turn pretended to be busy with
her work as though nothing had happened.  Little did my innocent darling
know the extent of damage she had done to my intentions.

 And so there I was back to square one, the only difference was, my
resolutions for the new year and the new millennium were not broken..but
they were painted in all shades of  red. and pink .  I turned to my little
naughty girl with desperation and released a sigh...  'If only you had
known the damage you have done..'  From the corner of my eye I could see my
better half smiling to herself for engineering this great mischief.  Her
charming smile melted my anger together with my new year resolutions just
like the way the rays of the sun melt the snow on the mountain top. Looking
out of the window I firmly resolved in my mind never to make any more new
year least not in black and white !!

Daniel F. de Souza
Konkani Writer & Freelance Journalist

C/3, IInd Floor, Elvira Apts.
Vasco - Goa 403 802
INDIA.             Tel: + 91-832-2510714
                         Mob: 9822163329
          :[EMAIL PROTECTED]


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