Dear Goanetters. 

This is a copy of the editorial in Goa Herald on 3rd
of January. 

Have a God blessed new Year. 

Ivar Fjeld

Shame Goa, shame. 

Shame Goa, shame Shame on you Goa! Shame on all the
people who came to Goa to enjoy themselves and shame
on all the people, who made pious sounding statements
and then danced the night away on December 31. In case
many of you’ll had forgotten India was struck by a
double tragedy – the death of former primer minister P
V Narashima Rao and a tragedy that cannot be erased
from the memory of Indian history. The deaths
resulting from the tsunami tragedy in the eastern
coastal belt of India and the rest of India. And while
the world grieved – from New York to Japan – Goa was
one big party. There was rejoicing everywhere, parties
galore, bright lights all over the place and yes even
the good old Governor decided to shake a leg at the
longest dance party and drink a cup of cheer at a
private party. Congratulations, yes congratulations
and Happy New Year, because while President A PJ Kalam
and all other dignitaries shared their sorrow by not
celebrating the New Year, people in Goa decided to
welcome 2005 with fireworks, lights and lots of noise.
Was it a blaze of glory or a blaze of shame? What
happened to all those pious statements of condolence
and sympathy? What was the use of having special
collections and funds when we, Goans, could not
respect the tragedy that hit India? What happened to
all the famous celebrities who raise objection over
certain events, where are they now and how come no
concert, no special event is being held to raise funds
for the tsunami victims? What happened to all the high
flying people who come to use Goa as a base to party
and just party – could there not be one day of non-
partying as a mark of respect? And what about us
Goans, where was that sense of compassion? Was it
sufficient in just giving a few hundred rupees to a
charity and saying, “poixe dilear sogle bore,” so it
is not surprising that people label this State as free
and easy and that anything goes in Goa. Only if there
was some restraint, some care shown like some
restaurants in Calangute who refused to party as a
mark of respect. Just donating one days salary and
making a big show was not sufficient, because by
throwing all the parties, dancing the night away and
allowing lights to burn throughout the night showed
our disrespect and lack of compassion. And this
includes all the big wigs – practice what you preach
and do not be a hypocrite by saying something and
doing something else. Yes, shame on you Goa, shame on
all people who partied on December 31 and shame on all
the celebrities with their double speak. Because all
the lights you burnt on December 31 to welcome the New
Year were not celebrations but lights of shame. Shame.


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