<Thank you Philip Thomas in responding to my post. I appreciate you not
feeling defensive about it. You took it in a positive spirit in which it was
written. That is perhaps because we are both in-sink and in favor of a
progressive and competitive Goa.

Forming 'an advocacy group' for any cause may not be an 'applicable model'
for Goa. Goan leaders will after-all have to develop their own model. We
wish you all the best in achieving the result of a modern and futuristic
Goa. I hope that in the process of reaching those goals, much
time and effort is not lost in re-inventing the wheel which has already been
developed thorough trial and error in other countries. Regards.> [Gilbert
Lawrence, Jan 12]

1. Thank YOU Gilbert Lawrence for YOUR reply in a positive frame of mind!

2. I dont know about being "in-sink" but we can certainly try to be
"in-synch"! No problem.

3. The terms "advocacy group" and "applicable model" which you put in
inverted commas are your expressions, not mine. The former in fact was your
idea though echoing a similar one made last month in Goanet by Frederick

4. Your statement that "Goan leaders will after all have to develop their
own model"  may be a not-so-subtle hint to "outsiders" to keep their
thoughts to themselves. But dont worry, it wont stop me!

5. "We wish you all the best in achieving the result of a modern and
futuristic Goa". This seems consistent with 4 but somehow contradictory at
the same time. (How do you manage to achieve that!?) Maybe it means "have
fun barking up the wrong tree"! Will leave it to others to judge.

6. "I hope that .. much time and effort is not lost in reinventing the wheel
..". Sure, we all hope so. But instead of expressions of pious hopes what
we need are concrete interventions. It is an individual's (YOUR!)
responsibility to point out if and when such things are happening in the
discussion about Goa's airports and back it up with facts and sound
reasoning. We'll take it from there, ok? :)

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