George Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> In a high school parking lot here in California
> yesterday, Lance Cpl. Andres Raya, 19, a Marine
> who just returned from Iraq, shot and killed a
> police officer and wounded another before he was
> shot to death by a police officer. His family blames
> his traumatic service in Iraq for him "losing
> it" yesterday.
> Two dead, one seriously wounded. Bush's illegal war
> in Iraq is taking a direct toll here at home too.

If you ever wondered why there is no list of names of
those who died because of Bush's misadventure in Iraq,
the following may help.

The Voice of the White House. 

January 12, 2005: "Several interesting items, one only
amusing and the other serious. The Bush people have
received so many very serious death threats aimed at
Our Beloved Leader that they might as
well put a dummy in the Presidential limo on
inauguration day. No one will talk about the volume
and apparent seriousness of these ongoing threats and
neither will they talk about the ACTUAL DEATH

You have been posting only the official figures which
are not accurate. These OFFICIAL figures indicate
about 1,400 are dead and perhaps 4,000 wounded.
Actually, and I have seen the figures from the
Pentagon, over 8,000 are dead and over 15,000 are
wounded, some maimed for life…blind, missing legs and
arms or with the prospect of spending the rest of
their young lives confined to a wheelchair in a
Vets hospital with a permanent piss bag tied to a leg.

This is the greatest secret and holds the greatest
fear for the Bush people. If the public ever finds out
the truth, they will lynch him and his fascist
co-workers in about ten minutes. Already, parents
are wondering why their son's name is not on official
lists and this number is growing every day.

This is the real reason why Bush forbade any pictures
being taken of arriving caskets at Dover. All even an
idiot would have to do would be to count the daily
supermarket checkout and the rat would be out
of the bag. This nasty business has real legs and even
the dullard Bush is terrified.

Rigid censorship has been clamped down by the Pentagon
on any information and especially the following truly
horrible news: The Arabs have captured a number of GIs
and have tortured them terribly before chopping of
their heads which they defile by dumping into a
well-used latrine. Their statements are that since the
US under Bush
has ignored the Geneva Treaty and tortured prisoners
of war and executed a number of them plus God knows
how many unarmed civilians, they will kill every GI
they capture.

Beheaded and terribly mutilated bodies are quickly
grabbed by special teams of GI undertakers, hidden
away and sent home in sealed caskets or cremated in a
large oven in downtown Baghdad. This is one of the
reasons why there are so many suicides and so many
desertions among the terrified troops. This
really awful business is a top priority secret but I
will make the shits happy by letting it out and if I
can get the actual figures, I will give them to you,
names and all, to post alongside the official

Why don't you ask survivors to send you the names of
their lost sons and husbands and then check them
against the Pentagon Lie List? Better, publish the
entire roster of Official Dead and ask anyone
whose relatives, sons or husbands are not on it to
contact you. You are in the position of doing all of
us a great favor if you do." 


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