With reference to the comments of Mr. Cip Fernandes concerning the comments of Mr. Naguesh
I feel he is selfish, reason is, he is actually accusing all NRIs, not only those who have gone to the west but inclusive of Gulf, did Mr. Naguesh see the prison during the reign of Purtuguese, if so how was the environment specially the treatment he was given, I doubt that he has even seen the walls of Portuguese prisons, because those who did go to jail during that time, till today don't want to talk about it specially the freedom fighters that I know of.

You don't seem to be a goan since you are located in Karnataka, in such a case how could you know the plight of those prisoners who went to jail due to oppossing the Portuguese regime, probably you just heard it through some source, by the way don't you think that eveyone deserves a better living? As far as goans are concerned most of whom are working abroad are here to give a better living to their families, in other words you mean to say that we should stay back home and work for you selling beddies at your gado? This is exactly what you have in mind thats why I said you are selfish, because you are not happy with the welfare of your neighbour.

On the other hand how many jobs are available for non-hindus in Goa, every Govt. Chair is hungry for a bribe, specially when its known that you are a non-hindu, for your information in 1976 I wanted to join the Air Force, passed the tests, but could not join cause I did not have the money to bribe the Officer in Chief, and finally I had to give up, thats when I came to Gulf, whats your suggestion concerning this? Yet you think we should stay back home. Mr. Naguesh you are standing in the dark, come out and see some sun-light, you'll know the reality, simply don't be jeolous because your neighbour has gone to the west and he is properous, its the same neighbour who used to borrow rice from you, but today due to his properity you feel neglected. Wake up Mr. Naguesh wake up, you are in the 21st century.

Best wishes.
Sanny Vaz.

-----Original Message-----
Samir Kelekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 29 June 2004 18:40

If you call a person who spent a major part of his life in prison because
he oppposed the oppressive Portuguese regime as an opportunist and selfish,
tell me what should I call all the NRIs who have gone to the West for a
better living!

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