Bernado, thank you for your response. But may I  request you to stop
choosing only what suits your tastes? It is important to look with
equanimity  at the positive and the negative sides of any reality. I wish
you had the time (and an open mind above all)  to read my writings in their
totality. Stop picking and choosing bits and pieces. My bibliographical link
below could help you or anyone else interested to trace all my writings from
1972 till today. You will see that since 1995 (following my arrival in
Portugal) I have written much in Portuguese and in Portugal. In today's
globalized world the access to texts is easy anywhere in the world. Only
some nutty  "two-tone" theorists (defenders of "one tone") can believe
otherwise and keep entertaining the rag-pickers like themselves! Only red
rags seem to catch their eye. Perhaps an Iberian tradition of "touradas"
(bull-fights)  in such preference for one tone?! Real life is made of many
tones and many colours. Let us not divest it from its rich and colourful


Teotonio R. de Souza

P.S. Please let me benefit from your knowledge and wisdom: Let me know where
exactly you learnt that "we were all slaves for 5 centuries". Or is it just
one more of your over-statements of frustration resulting from some
ill-digested readings?


Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 03:42:22 +0000 (GMT)

From: Bernado Colaco <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Subject: Re: [Goanet]New research on  * Goan MP's in the Portuguese




What lovely, jubley comments Teotonio! Who has been

behind the *ad nauseam* messages on goanet? We were

all slaves for 5 centuries innit?



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