Dear Cornel and Gilbert: 

I did not expect my intervention to provoke a mini-tsunami that has washed
away the caste labels of sevceral goanet anti-caste campaigners!  GL's line
of argument comparing the action of Gandhi, Mother Theresa and American
black civil rights campaigners is more in sync with Christ's Incarnation,
the rock base of Christianity. Those on the goanet claiming their "Catholic"
affiliation seem to pay only a lip service to this.  St Paul wrote that
Christ by becoming man emptied himself! The word he used in Greek seems much
stronger than the english equivalent: He became "dung"! St. Paul himself
would say that he too became all things to all men to save some! Goanetters
who are ashamed and reluctant to publicly admit the caste label they have
inherited will never be taken seriously in their anti-caste campaign for
such a basic lack of courage! All their brave arguments seem futile and mere
alibis. Some even said  they are dalits! Dalits would take as an added
insult such a cock-and-bull story.  They may take me more seriously and
welcome my bit of collaboration if I start by admitting that I did nothing
to be considered a "brahmin". I wish these "dalit" (bamonn/chardde) goanet
campaigners  will have an opportunity to welcome as in-laws persons "known
in the society" to belong to low-castes or outcastes.  Otherwise, as our
Goan saying goes: Vigarache sermanv uniek! 

Teotonio R. de Souza



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