Dear Cecil,
I think you are being unfairto Bevinda. Over in the US, on a very literary forum called SASIALIT (South Asian Literature), we too had an invididual who began discussions and followed up with virulent abuse. When thrown off the list by moderators, he came back under another guise. Many wanted to quit in disgust. Eventually I persuaded the others on the list to remain active and committed, but not to respond or even read any of his posts---just hit the delete button. Not getting any response, the man left.
The formula would work here too. We know who these posters are. Use the delete button when their messages come online.
Victor Rangel-Ribeiro

-----Original Message-----
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wed, 06 Apr 2005 21:17:43 +0530
Subject: [Goanet]Thanking Bevinda

 Bevinda Collaco wrote to Santosh Helekar:
"Actually it is your fault for replying so faithfully
to his posts. Ignore it. Let it die a natural death.


Santosh Helekar responds:
"Dear Bevinda,
You are right. It is my fault. I am sorry for putting
you through this. I will now let Mario Goveia continue
his serial abuse of sundry folk on Goanet."


Dear Bevinda,

I too agree with you and thank you for your sober advise. We should just sit back and allow people to spread hoaxes and alarms. We should look the other way when someone lies or insults and abuses others. In fact we should all become passive subscribers and just read the Goa News Bytes and forward jokes, recipes and chain letters at most.




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