Dear Cecil,
Thanks for the clarification. Yours is an extraordinary talent, and it won't be long before you are a true shining light in Goan literature, and not just in Goan literature. All the more reason for you to be scrupulous (but delightfully undecorous) in observing the niceties of debate.
I've been reading aloud your recent Konkani lesson no. 1 to friends and relatives. It's true comic material, and would be a smash hit if used in a tiatr. Ever thought of that?
Warm rgards,

-----Original Message-----
From: Cecil Pinto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sat, 09 Apr 2005 13:29:57 +0530
Subject: [Goanet]Worms

 Dear Victor,

It is always a pleasure to read your rare but relevant postings on GoaNet. I have often replied privately but have never got a response and thought of you as being rude. Only recently Margaret Mascarenhas informed me that your service provider, AOL, does not accept messages from Sancharnet.

Just a couple of points I would like to clarify:


For example, the recent extended debate on abuse is said to have
brought some "worms" out of the woodwork! Rebecca O'Leary (no cousin or
godchild of mine) got involved, and had some things to say that needed
saying; I got involved as well. Neither Ms. O'Leary nor I are regular
posters on Goanet, so the two of us must count ourselves among the
"worms". Or is one to be considered more wormlike than the other?

I do not know much about different species of worms but rest assured my characterization of lurkers as 'worms in the wood work' was nothing but an extension of Rebecca's description of herself being lured out of the 'woodwork'. No offense was intended.

The point that I am trying to make is that there should be
civility in all our debates. In ALL of them, and in every part of each
debate. I don't care who started the mudslinging---the person who has
mud flung at him, and then flings mud back, also winds up having mud on
his hands.

I totally agree with you.


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