John Paul II

The news of his death has resounded throughout the globe and has moved us to 
tears. Though he was old and sick in the last phase of his Pontificate, John 
Paul II was loved by all, including the youth. We thank God for the gift of 
his life, of his multifaceted personality, and in a special way for his 
courage to speak the Truth. He has given us the kernel of Gospel values. 

In his message of condolence, the Prime Minister of India, Dr.Manmohan Singh 
called him "beacon of unflinching moral values". 

Jesus of Nazareth is the Christ, the Saviour, the Truth, the Way, the Life. 
The Holy Father stood by his faith in God, in Jesus. He died with his hope in 
the Resurrection and New Life. He gave us courage to proclaim our faith and 
convictions, without forgetting that the Spirit of God is at work in the 
hearts of men, in all cultures, in all religions. He was a man of dialogue 
with the world. He worked for the families. He tried to show that there is no 
conflict between Religion and Science, between Faith and Reason. He tried to 
unite leaders of all religious groups in the struggle for one common cause, 
for Peace. In the era of economic and cultural globalization, John Paul II 
proclaimed with sound optimism  "globalization of solidarity".Let us pray for 

Fr.Ivo da C.Souza

My View

John Paul II

I was delighted to read the beautiful article written by Prof. Nandkumar 
Kamat, "John Paul II: Truly a People's Pope" (NT, Monday, April 4, 2005), 
where he expressed his perceptions about the Pontificate of our beloved John 
Paul II, who has left a rich legacy to the Church of tomorrow. The experience 
that he had after watching the film, Shoes of the Fisherman, based on the 
novel of Morris West, is alive with the death of John Paul II, who has reached 
out to the whole world and become a catalyst in the world history. The Pope 
has brought out the Gospel message and its values to the socio-political 
arena, to everyday life, to the man in the street. Incidentally, when I heard 
about the novel, Shoes of Fisherman, as a student, I was eager to see a Pope 
of such a calibre, during my lifetime.  

I do congratulate him for his courage in expressing his convictions, as John 
Paul II was bold to speak the truth about the human dignity, about the 
ultimate meaning of human existence, about God and his Son, Jesus the Christ. 
Through his "spiritual message", John Paul II stepped into the 'shoes of the 
fisherman'. It is through the revolution of love that Jesus faced the Pax 
Romana, which was based on constraint and fear, and became thereby a threat to 
the Roman Empire. Likewise, the Church conquered the world with the Gospel 
values. Conversion of heart is required for the transformation of the socio-
political arena. 

Prof.Nandkumar emphasizes the spiritual power of John Paul II, his power of 
forgiving the gunman, his leadership in today's society and its socio-
political ground realities, his respect for life and human rights.  The Holy 
Father has been accepted as a "voice of sanity and peace", as a voice of the 
voiceless, downtrodden and oppressed, though sometimes his appeal against the 
war was not heeded.  He has planted the seeds of love and peace on different 
soils of several countries that he has visited, not without sacrifice and 
suffering. He worked for communion of communities, for globalization of 

Prof.Nandkumar stresses also his dialogue with different cultures and 
religions, --even when mistakes have been commited by the Church in the course 
of her history, for which the Holy Father asked pardon--, and understands the 
Christian perception of the Mystical Body of Christ. It is praiseworthy the 
witnessing to communion and harmony by John Paul II, the people's Pope.


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