Dear Aloysius:

Don't forget how the Catholic priest and nuns discriminated against
the poor Catholics, especially those who were ignorant.  Yes, they
favoured the rich Muslims, Christians and others - those who were
on the receiving end know better.  They have not forgiven them.

Doreen C. Mendes

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Aloysius D'Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Hi Goans Everywhere particularly those with Karachi links,
> Yesterday in Delhi General Pervez Musharraf, President of Pakistan,
presented to Mr L K Advani, Leader of the Opposition in India's
> Parliament an album of photographs of his earlier residence and their old
school, St Patrick's in Karachi.
> As happened at the funeral Mass of Pope John Paul II, where heads of
"warring" states shook hands at the "Exchange of  Peace"
> greetings, I hope this remembering of their old school will remind them of
the Christian tradition of "Peace to all God's friends"
> which St Pat's must surely have taught them.
> For us in India and Pakistan this could be the beginning of goodwill and
> Cheers to St Pat's
> Aloysius D'Souza

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