-----Original Message-----
From: Frederick Noronha (FN) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: goanet@goanet.org

Any suggestions on how to increasing participation levels among the 'silent Goanetter'? Thanks in advance for any great ideas. FN

In recent discussions with a wide range of people in Goa, I found out that many of them have come to regard Goanet as a kind of whirlpoor---step into it and you are inevitably sucked into an argument that begins reasonably enough but soon ends in a mudslinging match.
I would therefore urge tighter monitoring; encourage the free expression of ideas, but stop---immediately---any personal attack or slur, even if it seems slight. It is the slight slurs and innuendos that lead to stronger insults; why do they creep into our emails at all? Do we gain at all in stature by putting someone else down?
Victor Rangel-Ribeiro, Porvorim

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