I was watching this VCD ( ORIGINAL  BOUGHT FROM GOA )  last night and
was trully amazed at the acting of these youngsters. They were superb
and these youngsters have been taught in the right way , their actions ,
their singing, their body language on stage was something our young
generation should see. I take my hat off to Mr Tony Dias for this suberb
directing and teaching this youngsters,, I praise all of them for their
Acting and especially the one who acts as the Mother , she was trully
wonderfull. I hope and pray they one day they make it Big on stage for
themselves .They should be proud of their Talent . To all the Goan
Actors and the Goan Public here is the Future Actresses & Actors of
Tiatrs comming your way .They should get all our support . WELL DONE TO
SOME SUPERB ACTING.keep it up and hope to see more of you on VCD's and
hopefully Live .
I say to our goan public , go out and buy this VCD to really believe it
Once Again Bravo, to the Actressess and Actors , their Director and the
whole production team.

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