Goa-netters are sophisticated enough to enjoy a good sensible and educational 
post on what ever subject, especally if it is related to us and that includes 
our religion.  

Personally what I find unfortunate and disheartening is that many posts on 
Goanet, and surprisingly from seasoned / educated posters, are full of 
contradictions and non-sense. There is little semantic definition and often 
distortions, of the issues being discussed. Many of these intelligent 
goa-netters love to argue, often for the sake of an argument. They often, 'put 
words in other mouths' not to mention misconstrue another's post,  just so that 
they can make and then debate an issue.

Santosh is my friend and colleague.  I and a majority of Goa-netters, have much 
respect for him. However let's analyze his post below:  Is his beef (which we 
have all read) against religion or is it against an individual?  And does he 
make that distinction is his diatribe against the religious belief at issue?  

"Give religion in general, or any particular religion, a free pass" and that is 
same as those "with have a sick and depraved mentality, ... who should never be 
allowed to hide behind any kind of religious immunity"? ... There ought to be 
no limits on religious bashing on Goanet.

The above is seen among the best of us. Frankly I would expect the above from a 
new / novice poster who cannot draw the difference between the true faith and 
someone's interpretation of another person's practice of the faith. But it is 
difficult to excuse a very intelligent person who does not take the trouble to 
separate them.   As mentioned in the past: On Goanet, When does an intelligent 
expose end and a personal activism (sometimes ignorant oversight) begin?

What I find disconcerting about Santosh's posts of religion is:  He care-freely 
walks away from Hinduism by just stating that he no longer follows it. Then he 
goes on to pontificate  / bash very other religion except about the Belief 
where he could make the greatest impact, if he chooses to do so. (And I have no 
doubt about his sincerity).  

This is not dissimilar to Mario Govea lecturing to Goans how they should handle 
the issue of caste and marriage among Goans (which I fully agree). But then 
Mario tells us that all four of his kids are married and likely to marry 
Caucasians aka white (and a reference to race which was uncalled for).:=))

I noticed how the topic of homosexuals in the Catholic faith suddenly ended, 
when the issues being discussed were defined or when the contradictions or 
non-issues exposed.  I was also amused on the dead-silence when I suggested to 
Goa-netters to practice cafeteria-rules in their home and tell us how ther 
'personal reforms' have worked.  Similarly there were no takers among Goan 
social activists on discussing the issue of divorce among Diaspora Goans.  And 
this includes the divorcees on cyber Goa, who otherwise vocally persue their 
own agenda against the Catholic Chruch.

How we hate to talk about anything that is "too close for comfort!" :=))
Regards.  GL

Santosh Helekar:
If the above is meant to suggest that all religions should be treated equally 
as far as criticism is concerned, I agree 100%. But if it is meant to give 
religion in general, or any particular religion, a free pass or some kind of 
special treatment, then I have strong objections. 

We ought to shine a bright light on all harmful religious ideas and practices. 
We ought to recognize that religion does not necessarily make a person good.
There are many among the pious and religious who have a sick and depraved 
mentality, as well. They should never be allowed to hide behind any kind of 
religious immunity. There ought to be no limits on religious bashing on Goanet.

Unbridled singling out of a single religious entity is indicative of a sick and 
depraved mentality. While encouraging free speech, Goanet Administration
should establish limits on religious bashing. Devout Netters will otherwise be 
forced to quit instead of being unwittingly held as a captive audience.

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