Mr. Cip Fernandes, many thanks for your reaction (may 24th). Of
course, i could start  the process of psychic regeneration of our
masses, but i think, the job will require, at least,  an effort
lasting for a couple of centuries so as to erase the palimpsest  of
layers upon layers  of not so logical  social doctrines which were
accumulated  on top of each other during the last  30 centuries.

Or it could  be done even  quicker, but then  it would require the
following type of revolutions to happen concurrently:

    1. The  French revolution
    2. The Lenin's revolution in Russia
    3. The Mao Tse Tung's revolution in  China.      
    And for better or for worse,  another element  has to be added,
namely, the Stalinist purges,  and  ( i apologise in advance for
saying this ) Adolf H's  cleansing programme


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