My thanks to RKN and to Santosh  for responding to my request for comments
on the theme. I did not really have in mind as my primary concern the crab
mentality of Bose's peers! I am glad RKN took up that issue. My thanks to
Santoshbab whose scientific bend of mind and clarity of expression I greatly
admire. I had read Einstein's biography by Abraham Pais. I could find there
most of the quotes sent to me now by Santoshbab. The conversation between
Einstein and Tagore about music was very interesting and thought provoking.

As Santosh suggests "Einstein's pantheistic, or impersonal deistic, view may
have some similarity with some Buddhist or Eastern notions of universal
consciousness or perception of the whole". I  tend to see this link in
Einstein's fundamental theory of relativity as well. I feel that relativity
is more commonly understood as opposed to absolute (while speaking of
space-time) or dogmatism (while speaking of doctrines or orthodoxy) But its
implications as "relational" or "inter-dependence" of all things in the
Universe links the scientific and the metaphysical + religious spheres that
distinguish so much the western and the eastern mentalities. I tend to
believe that the "northern" man has faced greater hostility of the nature
since pre-historic times, and hence his aggressiveness towards nature and
tendency to dominate it and his fellowmen. The "southern" man (tropical /
equatorial) has experienced greater bounty of the "mother" nature, and hence
his "connaturality" and reverence for "mother goddess". This has its
implications in the religious spheres: The religions that sprang in the
desert: Judaism, Christianity and Islam needed to adopt proselytism and
point to milk and honey in someone else's land. The Gospel order to go and
preach till the end of the earth is an expression of such a religion from
desert! Islamic jihad and Christian crusades continued this trend.  

Teotonio R. de Souza





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