Cecil wrote:

Over the last few weeks I have seen Goans settled in UK, Canada, USA and Australia compare the advantages and disadvantages of their adopted countries. After having examined all possibilities I have decided that we are in fact better off here at home in Goa, India. There's no place like home.

Cecil, you are very right.  There is definitely no place like good old Amchem 
Goem!!!  We all have our reasons for being out of Goa, but it is foolishness to 
even compare Goa with any place on earth.  And importantly, nothing can wipe 
away the Goa which is deep in our hearts.  Thanks for staying on in Goa.  
Please keep it well and enjoy yourself.  I envy you!  We may have a different 
lifestyle, clothes, houses, and our children may have the advantage of choice 
as far as their careers go, but you have GOA!!!

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