Dear Mr da Costa,

I have refrained from replying you so far because a lot of views
were coming in on the issue in hand. Since the flow has now abated,
please allow me to respond you.

From: "cornel" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 12:39:06 +0100

Dear Mr Alfred de Tavares,
I reckon you were awake, but only partially so, when you responded to my post on Dr. Willie de Souza!

Your reckoning, I assure you, is very much flawed.

When I deal with issues i consider serious I never let somniloquence
tarnish my eloquence. And honour, family honour, for me, is a very serious matter,

I say this because you failed to:
a) respond to my earlier email to you, specifically asking for an explanation for referring to the anti-casteists as "fighting like buffaloes."

There is a saying in Konkni: Redd'o padd'o zoggotta, xadlar kao.

The caste arguments pursued by the "intellectuals" in these forums
far too often ignore existing social realities in favour of quixotic remedies.

These realities have existed, however degeneratingly, far too long to be
deleted with the pressing of an "intellectual" button.

There is no doubt they are demeaningly anachronistic and have to be
fiercely combated. But, at root.  Not through whimsy academic dessertations.

b) note that I did not, repeat not, refer to Dr. Willie as a casteist. What I had said was that he believed in caste.

One would have to be a 1000 carat moron to refute the
existance of caste in all it magnificent sordidness!

Please check the post. This fact about Dr. Willie's known belief was available in written form a little while ago. Thus, I was merely reiterating this specific point in my email to Jose. I happened to find it useful for an explanation regarding why I felt Dr. Willie may not have opted to leave Goa. Perhaps, my explanatory view was too intellectually demanding for you and why you had to read into my post something that was simply not there.

Please allow me to disabuse you: I am not, ever, intimidated by intellectual
antics. My saturation with copiously grey-celled company since my crib-age
has inured me to professed intellect.

Rather than finding it "demanding" I find such professions embarrassingly
demeaning. I could never countenance intellectual narcissisim.

The values inculcated into us, brahmanically or jesuitically, to hide our lights
under an adequate bushel guide me in this area and benignly save me from
making a pompous ass of myself

c) that the good doctor is perfectly capable of replying to me if he is in the least bit unhappy about my comment and view.

Oh, yes! The man is not yet a fruit cake. Is quite in control of his faculties, pretty
stupendous  they.

The matter that baffles you is a question of gentlemanliness and accrued

To stand by a friend. Especially so when calumny is unwarrantedly directed
at him. He would unstintedly do as much, and more, if I were at the receiving
end of the bilge.

Practical, as against windmill, chivalry has not yet totally abandoned Goa.

Finally, please note that I think it is unhelpful to ask someone else to ask me something on your behalf. Your known command of the English language should definitely not deter you from responding directly to me via Goanet.

I fail to surmise from wherein you have fetched the damnable thought of I ever seeking extraneous aid to fight my battles. God forfend. Belay the thought forwith.

And I promise you that I will not bite your head off!

My "head" is copyrighted. If you wish to add to your "intellect" please apply

I am sorry if you feel that I am rocking the boat on the issue of caste among the Catholic Goans. However, I believe that somebody has to do it and that it is time this happened fearlessly and with tenacity. If this makes you uncomfortable, so be it!

Rock away...rock away... I hardly grudge you that felicity! and, I hasten to add that I hardly grudge you the tenacity in your endeavours. None other than limpets manifest greater steadfast tenacity. They, poor "fearless" things only end up in
destroying the hulls they so tenaciously addhere to.

And...the ship ... she founders ever so helplessly.

Yours, with ever subdued intellect,

Alfred Francisco Antonio Luis de Vasconcelos Cunha e Tavares,

An unabashed brahmin determinedly fighting the detriments of casteism in our

Stockholm, Sweden

0046 8 759 6214; 0046 70 295 4091
----- Original Message ----- From: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 11:41 PM
Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!

Subject: Re: [Goanet]Willie, a casteist? What BULL----!
Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2005 03:24:43 +0530

Dear Alfred,
     Perhaps you meant to say that Dr. Willy might have many faults, but
casteism is definitely NOT one of them?

Correct Victor, thanks.

I noticed the omision the moment I hit "send" and
immediately sent in the corrected version. It din't appear:

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