--- "Fr. Ivo Da C. Souza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>*--Your statements are as good as mine, because you
>are repeating them without understanding (or trying
to >understand) the point in question.

Fr. Ivo,

Here are the points that I want to make in response to
your latest post under this thread.

1. No other subject can replace science in providing
rational explanations for natural phenomena. If you
know of any, please tell me about it with proper

2. An agnostic cannot be, by any stretch of
imagination, considered to be absolutizing anything.
Such a person, by definition, claims not to know many
things, not the least of which is the absolute truth.
3. Biology and neuroscience tell us that the body and
mind do not function after death. There is no evidence
to indicate that any kind of functional entity
survives the death of the body. The mind/soul has been
shown to be entirely the product of brain activity. It
dies with the brain.

4. Aren’t you absolutizing your knowledge by claiming
to know that there are limits to science? Are there
limits to the knowledge of your faith?

5. Why does your dogma have to describe reality? Why
can’t it describe fantasy? How do you distinguish
between fantasy and reality, if you do not rely on
objective evidence to validate your dogma? Dreams and
fantasies are indispensable for human existence, as
well. They are also witnessed by our universal

6. How can an ancient text, which is static and cannot
be revised, not be in conflict with something which is

7. I think by equating science with scientists, it is
you who are committing an error. Science has nothing
to do with the religious or non-religious beliefs of
individual scientists.

8. There is currently no better method to evaluate
rational explanations for natural phenomena than the
scientific method. If you know of any, please let me
know. And please provide proper justification for it.
9. You must have a very strange definition of
ideology. What is your definition of ideology?

10. Please give me one example of a tenet of your
faith that has been revised or renewed by "reflection"
and "discernment", and please tell me why.



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