Re. the issue of casteism in matrimonial ads:

My opinion is that caste can often (not always) act as
 a good first filter towards finding a suitable spouse

(I am speaking about Compatability here) from a large
pool of unknown suitors available, especially in
arranged marriages; which is why it is specified, even
by some people who may not really have this as a rigid

Though, it would be better to specify exactly what
personal qualities, values,etc.. "product
specifications" in short :)one would like in a
prospective suitor, ths is not always feasible due to
reasons like "bandwidth" ;), print column space etc.

I think we could view this more liberally, though it
is a good thing that so many goa-netters pointed it
out,  as this is an evil which must be gradually
stamped out.
Incidentally, the TOI gives a discount for
matrimonials which do not mention caste.  

In general, I am personally against casteism, I also
feel it is slowly getting extinct due to the increased
literacy rates and higher levels of education.
Probably, a thorough all-round education for our youth
is the only way to beat this demon (not giving up the
older generation as beyond-help though, but they are
more difficult to cure due to many of them, even the
well-educated having ingrained views & mind-sets).
Further, it is also the fault of our leaders
(political & religious) who are covertly propogating
this to futher their own ends by creating rifts in
society which they can exploit to their advantage.  


Caste... and all that
Mon Jul 4 23:10:41 2005

Something just occurred to me on the subject of
casteism in matrimonial advertisements. I can't quite
articulate it now but I'll give it a try:

If a Goan were to marry another Goan, there may
(depending on the family) be some pretentiousness
regarding caste.

If these SAME Goans families were presented with a
fiance/fiancee of Catholic European descent, would
they be just as rigid in questioning the pedigree of
this white person's lineage?

Neal Pinto

On 7/4/05, Frederick Noronha (FN)
> On the question of whether one can be a Brahmin and
an anti-casteist at
> the same time, perhaps the question would be better
framed if it had
> asked whether one can subscribe to Brahminism and
believe in
> anti-casteism at the same time.

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