Gabriel de Figueredo wrote:

Goa has not been "liberated" at all, the way the
Indian Armed Forces have behaved so far.  All they
appear to want to do is to crush the Goan spirit, and
to brainwash its people, by force if need be. You may
not have experienced their attitudes to civilians
first hand - I have, on two occasions, both when I was
a teen: once in 1967, then in 1973.

Very true indeed.  I remember an instance when I parked on the road by the side 
of the military establishment near the Collectorate in Panjim.  I was 
approached by a thuggish looking creep armed with  rifle and ordered to move 
away from where I parked.  I was very firm and told him that I was on public 
road, over which they had no hold or authority.  I attempted to report this to 
the Panjim Police station, but was directed to make the complaint to the PMC 
instead.  Disgusted, I just gave up as I felt I was being handballed, and that 
nobody wanted to interfere with the military.

The army has no respect for the people of Goa, and have proved it time and 
again.  Take for example the case of the Merces spring.  This was a lovely 
spring where all of us used to go for a bath on hot days when we were young.  
Today the spring is contaminated and stinks foul.  The army has put up septic 
tanks right over the source of the spring, and no one seems to care.  The 
people of Merces have tried their best, but looks like it has all fallen on 
deaf ears.  I am not sure of the present status as I have been out of touch 
with the subject for some time.  But the fact remains as Gabriel rightly 
pointed out.  The army considers Goa as their spoils of war.


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