Bernardo Colaco wrote:

what was wrong was the way it was attained. It was
hurry, hurry affair, with no person fit to rule Goa. A big mistake on the part of Nehru, Hence all we have had were crooks ruling Goa, and Goans have accepted it as a way of life. Tumi chorat, amkam susegad dovrat.


Precisely, crooks have been ruling Goa because the act
of Democracy is a failure. Should partial democracy be
installed in Goa? Our 'think tanks' discuss issues on
this forum which have no relevance to Goa.

Dear Bernardo,

Its over FORTY YEARS since liberation, and Goa has made huge strides in 
progress.  Goa is nowhere where it was before liberation, and I just cannot 
comprehend your thoughts.  In a democracy, the government is one chosen by the 
people for the people, so where does your friend Nehru come in the picture?  
Democracy is not a failure in Goa, in fact, it is one of the great success 
stories ever.  Sadly it is the fault of the Goan masses when they willingly 
choose to elect the representatives they have.

I think its time for all Goans to forget their dreams of Portuguese rule, and 
go on forward from there.  Like I said earlier, Goa has progressed 
tremendously, and if one compare and goes into details I can say that the 
progress that Goa achieved in the last 40 years is definitely more than what 
happenned in the 100 years before liberation.  Let us see the positives and 
avoid being pessimistic.  See the improvement in educational facilities, 
productive industry, among so many other areas where there has been an 
advancement.  And instead of always complaining, let us do something to 
encourage our fellow Goans to do something better.



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