During the 1988 First International Goan Convention
when I was putting together the souvenir, I wrote to
the Washington DC Association but got no reply. In the
souvenir I have given brief notes on those Goan
associations around the world who wrote back to me. I
thought the association was rather inactive or, maybe,
So, it's easy to understand why the association didn't
invite Dinesh. 
Maybe a decade ago, I led a group of Goans from
Toronto to a New York convention of Indian Christians.
This group was largely made of Konkani singers and
I was requested by the then NY Goan association
president, Pascoal D'Souza, who is now based in Las
At this convention, mostly of Keralites, I met a lady
from Washington who was involved in a Christian group.
We got to talk and she told me (I forget here name)
that she had invited Dinesh for lunch or dinner. She
was a Mangalorean and wanted to know from whether
Dinesh was a Goan/Mangalorean/East Indian.
I told her that I was not aware but I know he's from
Bandra. I related this to show that there were some
groups who wanted to tap Dinesh for whatever reasons,
or maybe just wanted him over to know him better.
In that respect, has the NY Goan Association invited
him to speak at any of their functions. I think the
GOA, Toronto, should also invite Dinesh if they have
any function. But unfortunately, the GOA has mostly
I don't think even an event such as Viva Goa is the
right one to invite Dinesh. To give an example, I had
to request the GOA to have Dr. Leon Joseph D'Souza,
former minister in the Maharashtra government and
later Rajya Sabha MP.
People hardly paid any attention to his speech. They
didn't care, for most of them who come for such shows
are interested only in having a great time.
Maybe when Dinesh is in Goa, goanet could ask him to
speak. So, goanet guyas get in touch with Dinesh and
ask him when he is visiting his "native" place.

Eugene Correia

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