HERALD'S Aug 12 edition has an op-ed article by VM DeMalar on "The
City-State Dilemma". It takes off from the recent INDIA TODAY report on "The
State of States", a survey of the quality of life in Indian states including

Some notable excerpts from the HERALD article:

<Goa's closest competition in the INDIA TODAY report comes from Delhi>

< [Goa's] small size and decent, though outdated, communications network
give it an unusually interconnected character>

<Our state is victim to unchecked urban sprawl>

<Tourists and expatriates are colonizing the coastal strip>

It concludes thus:

< Goa is somewhere on the path to becoming a fully fledged city-state ...
but still acting like a tin-pot banana republic">!

How to imbue our leaders with the citistate perspective so that it is
realised de facto even if not de jure (at least to begin with).  Our
overseas cybergoans (OCGs) may have an important role to play in
propagating progressive rather than anachronistic ideas in this regard and
take domestic cybergoans (DCGs) along.

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