Goenakars !


Just a reminder of WORLD GOA DAY - THREE DAYS of CULTURAL CELEBRATIONS in Lisbon , Portugal.




    Goenkars and Friends !

    Leao Fernandes of GOAMOG -GOADAY :
    shares his views on WORLD GOA DAY

    In the past few years, it has been nice to see the Goan community awakening to its rich cultural heritage. The various get-together world wide have also nourished the much wanted awareness and a keen interest in wanting to know and be part of the celebration as well as the organization on the local and the international front. Carregue na imagem para ver a programação de Comemoração do Dia de Goa Damão e Diu 2005 em Portugal, especialmente concebida para si. What does really drive the Goans, spread throughout the world, to cling to their roots while at the same time, being fully integrated in their host countries. The World Goa Day is definitely about our uniqueness, which urges for a fortified identity, only possible with a strong union. The present site is yet another effort in the global aim of reminding and preserving our symbols, marking our culture, and bestowing us the pride to be Goenkar, Damanvkar ani Diukar.

    Leao Fernandes

    You can hear the Song sung by Lulu , arranged by Emiliano D Cruz
    * PROUD TO BE GOAN * written by Basilio Magno :


    celebrations in LISBON , PORTUGAL 16th -18th September, 2005


    oooooooooooooooo Friday, 16th. September 2005 oooooooooooo

    19:00 - Goa in Images: a cinema night - Principal Auditorium of the Historical Tower of Tomb (Entry free)

    19:00 - Goa in Images: a cinema night (Tower of Tomb, Historical Auditorium in Lisbon) An image speaks for a thousand words. On this night, a classic of the goan cinema is presented (in Konkani) to remember animatedly the old times, followed by a set of recent documentaries to think and to debate the Goa of the modern times.

    ooooooooooooooooo Saturday, 17th. September 2005 ooooooooooooooo

    21:00 - Espectacle of music, songs and dance - Auditorium of Colégio S. João de Brito, Lumiar, Lisbon with the performance of Ekvât, Suryá, and young talents. (Entry - 6 cords per person)

    21:00 - Goa, Damão and Diu: Night of music, songs and dances (Auditorium of S. João de Brito College, Lumiar, Lisbon; tickets on sale shortly) A night filled with Indo-Portuguese melodies, with the spectacle of two musical groups of music and dances: Ekvât and Suryá. The Espectacle will also count with a young touch: The younger generaion will prove that they also know to play music, to sing and to recite poems allusives of Goa.


    OOOOOOOOOOOO18th. September 2005 000000000000000

    Morning of Sunday,

    10:00 - Morning of Indo-Portuguese traditional games 13:00 - Picnic/Goan Snacks (please carry your snacks)

    10:00 - Morning of Indo-Portuguese traditional games Recinte - Esplanade of the House of Goa In all the spaces of the House of Goa we will have different traditional goan games for the young and the less younger ones. Cover the entire space with great animation in an authentic voyage through the time.

    13:00 - Picnic/Goan Snacks (House of Goa, Calçada do Livramento, nº 17, Lisbon) To satisfy the hunger and relax after a morning full of games, some Goan and Portuguese snacks will be available for sale, and those who wish please bring your provisions from home.

    Evening of Sunday,

    18th. September 2005 Main Hall of House of Goa

    15:30 - Conference on: "Goa, Daman and Diu, new perspectives"

    20:00 - Closing Supper of the commemorations

    15:30 – Conference on: "Goa, Damão and Diu, new perspectives" (House of Goa, Calçada do Livramento, nº 17, Lisbon) Because the Day of Goa, Daman and Diu is not only conviviality and animation, various invitees will share their perspectives on the future for the Indo-Portuguese comunities. And also to launch ways for the development of the relations between Portugal and Goa, Daman,Diu and India in general. Panel 1: "History of Goa: how we see it, how it is seen " Panel 2: "Portugal and India: economic aproximation through Goa, Damão and Diu " Panel 3: "Crossed Impressions: Portugal and Goa seen by young eyes "

    20:00 – Closing Supper of the commemorations (restaurant in confirmation) On the invitation of the Organizing Committee and the five Indo-Portuguese associations, will be present various individualities representing the Portuguese civil society, institutions, foundations and city councils. To fortify the laces that join our community with Portugal and to continue the cooperation in the future.


    Posted on Behalf of WORLD GOA DAY coordinator ,
    Lisbon. Portugal. Leao Fernandes.

    by rene barreto ,
    Overall coordiantor
    of WORLD GOA DAY. ==========
    Please make some time and circulate this email with your friends in Portugal We , Maria and myself will be attending these celebartions too.
                             VIVA  WORLD  GOA DAY !


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