We can be confident that the Dabolim/Mopa tussle will
make a safe landing.

One somehow has a gut feeling that the Airport issue
will be resolved on the lines of the Konkani/Marathi

It was Rane, in his inimitable diplomatic style who
declared that Konkani was the official language and
Marathi would be used for all official purpose.

Likewise, now the very same Rane will declare that
Mopa is Goa's International Airport and that Dabolim
will be used for national flights.

It would be best that politicians keep away from the
Airport issue. Let a committee of aviation experts
advise on the issue after ascertaining the views of
all including Churchill Alemao. May be also an
independent body like the Goa Institute of Management
should be asked to prepare the feasibility report on
both the venues.

However the costs of this whole exercise should be
Minimal, not like the mind-boggling amount poured down
the drain on the commission appointed to study Manohar
Parrikar's Miramar beach beautification Plan. It was
an idea that should have been aborted before

Regardless whether it is Dabolim or Mopa the issue has
to be looked on a long term basis,  50 years ahead.
One recollects the hue and cry  when the Panjim bus
stand which was then located opposite Panjim's General
Post Office was moved to its present destination.
Today one should recognise that the bus stand is too
close to a clogged city.

Pernem is part of Goa. One should not neglect or
mistreat any part of one's body. If by way of an
airport the taluka could be enlightened so be it. But
the airport noise would be deafening and the tonnes of
garbage an airport generates would be there for them
to live with.

We all want an Airport in the vicinity but no garbage
disposal plant in our backyard. In my student days I
had hoped that the Goa University would be set up on
Kadamba Plateau at Ribandar. Thank God it did not
happen. In a two bedroom flat there would have been no
place to store all those degrees.

Regardless whether it is  Dabolim or Mopa we have to
make sure that the travelling time between Pernem and
Cancona is drastically reduced. An expressway should
enable our friends in Pernem to be reach Palolem Beach
in Canacona in less than an hour and Sanjay Bandekar,
our friend from Canacona,should be able to widen his
hobby of turtle-catching to Morjim Beach in North Goa.

One has to have a hearty laugh when reading that
Churchill Alemao  is demanding a referendum on the
Airport venue. On what "grounds" he has made such an
unsustainable demand one wonders? Has he taken into
account the financial implications of a referendum?

We could have another couple of "Fatorda grounds" with
that money.

One is curious why the otherwise so loud and
articulate Churchill was so mute on this issue during
the last few years of Parrikar's regime when the Mopa
idea was being nurtured. We all know about the Rane/
Parrikar nexus. Is there something we should know of
the Alemao/Parrikar pact? Mathany Saldhana's silence
on the issue is understandable. He was picked and
pocketed by Parrikar all the way.

The turbulence on the Airport issue has to be 
controlled. A berth for Churchill in the Union Cabinet
with just a single or no portfolio may ease the cabin
pressure. Micky Pacheco is asking for a third 
portfolio. It is obvious that with the recent heavy
monsoons, agriculture is not reaping a good crop and
that with water all around, animal husbandry has not
provided any pure milk -  forget the honey. That's the
only way to fly high, Micky style.

Aires Rodrigues

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