Gabriel de Figueiredo wrote:

>Jose Vaz, dont les parents etaient portugais, naquit 

>Benaulim, ` Goa, sur la cote du Malabar,  alors

>possession portugaise ,le 21 avril 1651.



>He was born on Portuguese territory, not on British

>territory. So why anglicise his first name? How does

>"Naik" fit in ?


A glib answer: Naik from "naquit"?!! 


Henrique Salles da Fonseca wrote:

>All the archives of Goa Inquisition are in "Torre do Tombo" in Lisbon.

>from all those documents, you may also find in Lisbon the home place of the

>portuguese jesuit province and all their documents at "Colegio de S. Joao

>Brito" (Alameda das Linhas de Torres) and at "Broteria" (Rua Maestro


I wish it was true that "all the archives" of Goa Inquisition are in the
Torre do Tombo!  I have consulted these archives for years together, and I
find it difficult to understand this statement! How much was lost in the
Lisbon tsunami of 1755? How much of the documentation of Goa Inquisition is
in the Spanish archives, particularly for the period 1580-1640? How much of
the information for Goa Inquisition is in the Vatican archives?  I am
familiar with the library collections of the Jesuits in Lisbon. What has
Henrique Salles de Fonseca  found there of particular usefulness for
studying the Inquisition of Goa? Published documentation which is available
in many other collections as well?

Teotonio R. de Souza

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