Thanks Lawrence for some excellent tips.  A few of my
own practical tips to add to yours............

1.  Smile, greet your fellow passengers, as they will
    more than likely be with you for the duration of 
    the trip.  Getting to know them, helps, especially
    if you are travelling alone, and have to leave 
    your baggage behind to go to the toilet. Having
    a pack of cards to while away the time is also

 2. Carry a small bar of soap to wash your hands, as
    they may not be any in the toilets.

 3. If you use toilet paper, carry a roll of your own.

 4. The food can be monotonous, especially on long
    journeys.  Either carry your own, or bring along
    some "kharrecho, miskut or parra" to add spice
    to the fare.

  5. Do not accept food items, such as biscuits or
     "mithai" from your "nice" fellow passengers.
     This is just a precaution, as there have been 
     news stories about these items being spiked with
     drugs and passengers then relieved of their

 Happy travels !

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