Thank you Fred for copying that illustrative piece of news from the South
Asia Religious {SAR}News service. It is a pity that for meetings of nine
commissions there were only seven out of the 122 Bishops of the Latin
rite[ as opposed, often quite literally, to the Syrian rite] of the Catholic
church. Are some Commisions sharing in their leadership with a common
Bishop? It should not have been difficult to find nine committed Bishops
among the 122 Bishops  in the CBCI, with a good number of stand-by
Auxilliary Bishops.

**The laity are to be involved in planning and decision-making process in
the Church and treated as collaborators. Christian leadership in political
and social fields are to be encouraged.** appears to be in line with what
the Goa Archdiocese wants the Goa Government to do but is unwilling to
implement in its own system. I am endorsing a copy of this to the Archbishop
and some church organs, just in case they have missed the SAR News report
and the official CBCI Commission report is too lenghty and they miss this
point.The DSE ,in particular has to get its act together regarding the
medium of instruction in primary schools. If the Goa Government is willing
to give grants  for *English medium* schools with one compulsory local
language as reportedly stated by our Chief Minister Pratapsingh Rane at a
conference at ICG, Dona Paula, the DSE should grab the opportunity with both
hands. time to stop playing  Hide-n-Seek or 'Apa-lipa" with the lipi
[script] for Konkani and teach English once more. The poor cannot afford
rich schools. The ABE and DSE schools cater to the rural poor...and Devnagri
Konkani has rendered one generation of them unemployable as they know not
English and neither do they know Antruzi Konknii [or Bahmonni as Ramnath
G.Naik called it] It may be nice to see someone from the DSE at XCHR on 20
October when Adv.Uday Bhembre defends the Antruzi in Devanagri. Did not see
any DSE leader at XCHR yesterday.Perhaps Fr.Delio Mendonsa can send a formal
invitation to Fr.Antimo Gomes and Fr. Zeferino , President and Secretary of
DSE , for the talk.

The Church in Goa has to look beyond Dr.Willy, Francisco Sardinha, Luisinho
Faleiro and the like who have embraced the BJP enroute to amassing wealth.
Not that the Congress, Goa Congress, Rajiv Congress, Goa People's Party and
others were Holy Cows that yielded milk of human kindness, either.

Viva Goa.

 "Frederick Noronha (FN)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  [truncated as
needed by Goanet]
 National Meeting Of CCBI Commission Chalks Out Priorities, Action Plan

 BANGALORE, Karnataka (SAR NEWS) -- Representing all the twelve
 ecclesiastical regions of the Church in India, the chairpersons and
 secretaries of the CCBI (Conference of Catholic Bishops of India Latin
 Rite) Commissions put their heads together to chalk out priorities to
 serve the 122 Latin dioceses that come under the Conference.
** Formation of laity through catechesis stood as
 the first priority.** It was stressed that the parish priests should be
 better formed and make the liturgical celebrations solemn and
 meaningful. Small Christian Communities are to be
 the base for training people to become lay leaders in the world. **The
 laity are to be involved in planning and decision-making process in the
 Church and treated as collaborators. Christian leadership in political
 and social fields are to be encouraged.**
tressing the need for bishops and priests to be key agents of family
apostolate, the conference emphasized on regular house visits. With a
 sense of urgency, the Church has to help the family find gospel response
 in confronting many issues today, it said adding otherwise the people
 would turn to media and the Internet for their answers.

 Discussing ongoing formation, the consultors underlined the formation of
 bishops and clergy on whom depend all other formations to meet the
 challenges today. It was noted that **almost 90 per cent of funds** in the
 Church went for the formation of clergy and religious and only a minimum
 went for laity formation.

 Discussing caste and its implications in the Church,** the participants
 noted that caste was a big issue among the bishops and the clergy.** They
 called for statements by bishops on the issue.  Empowerment of the poor
 was also stressed.

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