“All our students and in a special way Psychology students are the 
ambassadors for the promotion of mental health  among our people” – said 
Prof. Newman Fernandes, Principal of St. Xavier’s College during a 
programme organized to celebrate World Mental Health Day.

The Post-graduate Department of Psychology of St. Xavier’s College, Mapusa 
coordinated the World Mental Health day programme in collaboration with the 
Goa Psychology Association on October 10th, 2005. at St. Xavier's College.

Prof. Fernandes who is also the Head of Department of Psychology, 
highlighted the need for mental health awareness at all levels. In his 
address he asked students and faculty members present to think about mental 
health in terms of four aspects: education of people at large about the 
concept of mental health, preventive steps in relation to mental health, 
taking care of the mentally ill people and the status of institutions that 
care for such people. He elaborated by stating that there is lack of 
trained professionals in this field and therefore we need to think 
seriously about opting for this profession. He urged the students to spread 
the message of mental health awareness and the various aspects of mental 
health, among the people with whom they come in contact.

A 24-hour help line was also inaugurated for the benefit of all people who 
require such help and guidance. The helpline is a 24 hour service and 
counselors can be contacted at 9850723787.

The students of the Post-graduate Department of Psychology presented a 
“role play” exercise lasting for around thirty minutes, depicting various 
types of behavioural problems and guidance for treatment.

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