Hello Goanetters!

Please read this news item; I hope authorities concerned will take remedial 
action; instead of burdening srudents and the general population with 
multiple languages, bogus learning and ancient non useful culture.
Nasci Caldeira.


India hung up on Flawed Education!

India's poor education system is threatening the boom in outsourcing, writes
Amrit Dhillon. IF INDIA is suffering from a massive shortage of skilled 
labour, one reason is that, according to industry estimates, only a quarter of 
all graduates are employable. Some in the IT industry say only one in 10 
graduates is worth taking on.

Just look at their communication skills, fumed a frustrated Mumbai-based 
centre manager as he waved around some letters written by employees. One 
"As I am marrying my daughter, please grant a week's leave." Another went: 
"I am
in well here and hope you are also in the same well."

With half of its 1.2 billion population aged under 25, how can India 
possibly be
short of workers? The problem is not quantity but quality. Virtually every
industry from IT, outsourcing, retail, hospitality, manufacturing and
biotechnology is struggling to find skilled workers and managers.

The IT industry currently employs around 348,000 people. The IT body Nasscom
(National Association of Software and Service Companies) says it needs 9000 
workers right now. It has failed to find them. Given its rapid growth, the
industry will be short of 82,000 workers by 2007. By 2009, the shortfall 
will be

The shortages are reflected in the pay rises Indian industry is
giving to retain staff. A survey by global human resources firm Hewitt
Associates said that Indians in white collar jobs took home pay increases of 
average of 13.7 per cent last year, the highest in the Asia-Pacific region.
Indian companies lose nearly 15 per cent of their manpower annually to other
companies, according to the same survey. The attrition rates for the 
industry are far worse: from 20 to 40 per cent.

A McKinsey report earlier this year said that only 25 per cent of Indian
engineering graduates were equipped to work in multinationals.
Graduates are really poor quality — it's only the cream of the cream who go 
the excellent institutes of management and technology who have great 
The rest are unemployable, said Nasscom president Kiran Karnik.
Nasscom has warned that the shortage could stall India's call centre boom. 
the industry fails to recruit workers at reasonable wages, it will lose its
competitive edge to countries such as the Philippines and China.

The prospect of the business process outsourcing (BPO) industry — the 
and pride of the Indian economy — losing its competitiveness arouses gloom.
The industry needs more skilled staff not just to do the current back office
work of taking calls, credit card processing and air ticketing but to move 
into the new, high-value work it is seeking.

This step up the value chain is not BPO but KPO — knowledge process 
— where Western companies outsource legal work, medical and biotechnology
research, financial analysis and market research.
BPO work is entirely rules-based while KPO is purely judgement-based where 
discretion plays a dominant role so top quality people are a must, said 
Nilekani, chief executive of Infosys Technologies, India's second-biggest
software exporter.

The smaller non-IT Indian companies are even worse off. Since the IT 
attracts the best graduates, it leaves the less glamorous companies stuck 
mediocre manpower. This in turn pushes up their training costs.
The root cause of the shortage of quality manpower is poor Indian education,
from primary schools to higher education. Apart from pockets of excellence, 
schools are sub-standard. Most of the 330 universities and 17,000 colleges 
marked by mediocre teachers teaching outdated content.
Last year, more than 100 private universities opened for business in small
towns, each one worse than the previous one. "The word university has lost 
sanctity," said New Delhi academic Dr Ashok Chauhan. The Government recently
shut down many of them after complaints.

If India has 4 million-plus unemployed graduates at a time when employers 
desperate for talent, it's because not even the officially accredited ones 
up to the mark. Students still learn by rote. They memorise information but 
are not encouraged
to learn how to think critically or creatively. "There is no tradition of 
experimenting," said Sam Pitroda, a former telecom entrepreneur who heads 
the new Knowledge Commission set up by Congress Party leader Sonia Gandhi to 
improve Indian brainpower.

The same point was driven home by the World Bank in a recent report. It 
those in charge of Indian education to ensure that students learnt
problem-solving, analytical skills, group learning and teamwork.
Nasscom is already showing the way. It has signed an agreement with the
Universities Grants Commission — a state-run body that monitors standards in
higher education — to strengthen the curriculum, faculty and infrastructure 
universities so as to suit the IT industry's requirements.
Reproduced from 'The Age' Melbourne, Australia.

Nasci Caldeira
Down Under.

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