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In response to a question by Victor Rangel-Ribeiro,
the following links address the economic progress of
African-Americans, or lack thereof, depending on your
Goanetters need to understand something that liberal
and socialist-leaning critics seldom do, that, in a
free enterprise society like the US, the goal is to
provide equality of opportunity, not equality of
results or outcomes.
African-Americans, unlike other Americans, were
brought to this country forcibly, and their
slave-ancestors had to endure mind-numbing brutality
as the property of the slave owners.  Thus they had to
overcome unique conditions that the rest of us did
not, and the overwhelming majority of them have done
so, to their credit, with a lot of help from
government programs and their own hard work.  Yet,
some of them have been unable to, and some
African-American analysts and intellectuals, like
Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams and John McWhorter, all
university professors, believe it is because of
dependencies created by the same programs that were
intended to help them.
Unlike several years ago, there are no external
obstacles to economic progress in the US any more, as
proven by the progress made by all US minorities,
especially the non-white immigrant communities.
Finally, it is always amusing to hear from our Indians
indignant about perceived discrimination in the US,
when compared to India, which wrote the manual on
institutional discrimination, or parts of Africa,
where one could be killed for being a minority, or
wherever else we happened to live previously.

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