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For entertainment in Goa one does not have to watch a
movie at INOX or a drama at Kala Academy. The Victoria
Fernandes - Babush Monseratte show will be on for
sometime and nobody knows how many acts this drama
will entail and which is evidently being directed by
former Chief Minister Manohar Parrikar from behind the

Santa Cruz and Taleigao are neighbouring
constituencies and the ongoing saga now in words may
soon spill into the domain of money and muscle flexing
power. A bullfight of sorts.

Out of power the BJP in Goa is in dire straits. It
wants to do everything possible to destabilise the
Congress Government. It has found Victoria Fernandes a
convenient medium who disgraced herself wants to find
a face-saving and convenient exit from a party in
which her days are numbered.Victoria Fernandes has
anyway never been a loyal Congress person at heart.
She has been in and out of the Congress party whenever
it suited her in the quest of power and position.

What the people of Goa should be aware and concerned
of is that the BJP is using Victoria to try and ensure
political instability while it also uses its
fundamentalist RSS forces to play mischief with
crosses and mosques so that there is also communal
unrest amongst Goa's communities. We are witnessing a
two pronged approach to instill chaos by a party that
justcannot accept it is not in power.

Victoria has mixed onions and potatoes and
understandably has managed to get the support of
persons who have an axe to grind with the Congress
party. She is trying to inflict as much damage to her
party while the Congress leaders watch the tamasha. In
a way she is biting the hand that feeds her by using
government vehicles and machinery to plot against a
government which she is
part of  by virtue of  holding the constitutional post
of Deputy Speaker.

As one watches the drama unfold Victoria Fernandes is
doing most of the talking while Babush Monseratte just
watches and keeps his nerves in place. Victoria has
dubbed Babush as a child. Did she not feel so when
she, along with other MLAs were housed in this
"child's" mansion at Taleigao while they plotted the
overthrow of Parrikar early this year.

Victoria as Chairman of North Goa PDA did nothing to
exclude rural areas from PDA. She also did nothing to
prevent buildings mushrooming on fields. Where then
does her new found love for Goa's greenery and ecology
come? A real life drama.

Over the last few years the ageing Victoria Fernandes
has not been keeping good health and has always used
this as an excuse for not been able to attend to the
development of Santa Cruz Constituency. Where then
does all this new found stamina to agitate comes from,
one wonders? BJP induced steroids, I guess.

Aires Rodrigues

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