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--- Santosh Helekar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This is my last post in this thread. I hope those
> who read my initial posts in this thread would 
> confirm that the book "Disinformation" by Richard 
> Miniter contains disinformation about WMDs. 
Mario replies:
The book "Disinformation" by Richard Miniter, a
respected investigative journalist, exposes the
disinformation about Iraq's WMDs by those who continue
to oppose the liberation of Iraq and the left wing
media that opposed Saddam's ouster.
Unless and until there is an accounting of Saddam's
WMDs, the claim that he "had no WMDs" will continue to
be a falsehood.  Many WMD related materials were found
and removed from Iraq, the Duelfre Report found
evidence that he planned to reconstitute his WMD
programs after his friends in France and Russia got UN
sanctions lifted as they were attempting to do, and
there is suspicion that any remaining stockpiles are
either still hidden or were moved to Syria in the days
before the liberation started.
It makes no sense that Saddam would destroy his WMDs
and then give up his cushy dictatorship for nothing.
Santosh writes:
> Actually, it is Mario who put that word (the 
> word "deranged" to describe Saddam Hussein) in my 
> mouth
Mario wonders:
I don't know how one can put words in the "mouth" of
another adult, especially one who is a learned
professor and medical researcher with a PH.D.
Santosh continues:
> in the first of a series of posts that vindicated my
> point of view,
Mario replies:
Santosh's claim that his relentless attempt to excuse
Saddam's behavior was vindicated in any way is
patently false.  NOTHING can be allowed to excuse
Saddam's behavior, which has always been cunning,
shrewd, brutal and self-serving.
Santosh writes:
> and Peter followed up by using that word, first in 
> a taunting reference in what looked like his 
> sophomoric attempt at abusing those of us who are 
> against the horribly botched illegal occupation of 
> Iraq, 
Mario responds:
Santosh's assertion that the UN sanctioned regime
change was illegal is a patently false.
Santosh's assertion that the liberation of Iraq has
been horribly botched must be seen in the context of
Santosh's opposition to Saddam's regime change, and
the fact that Iraq is now inexorably on its way to
freedom, democracy and self-sustaining security, after
a series of successful elections and the ratification
of a written constitution by 79% of the voting
electorate.  The only ones that are "botched" are
those who previously dominated Iraq's majority
population from a minority position, using force and
sadistic brutality to subjugate anyone who opposed
Santosh's puerile assertion that anyone who disagrees
with him is abusing him is itself sophomoric, and a
transparent attempt to garner sympathy from those who
agree with him.
Santosh writes:
> "As a case in point witness the defensiveness of the
> leftists on this list each time you accuse them of
> supporting Saddam." ........Peter
> (http://www.goanet.org/pipermail/goanet/2005-
> November/035400.html)
> But if he is telling the truth, I would like to
> apologize to him for thinking that he was happily
> abusing us, or that he agrees with Mario that we
> deserve to be called supporters of Saddam Hussein.
Mario responds:
Anyone who opposes the UN sanctioned deposition of the
Saddam regime, one of the most brutal and sadistic in
recent history, can only be described as a Saddam
supporter.  I have accused Pope JP-II of this, so why
would Santosh be exempt?  These people behave as if
what is going on in Iraq is some polite political
debate and have displayed a callous disregard for what
was going on in Iraq for decades.
Santosh writes:
> Here are Mario’s and Peter’s first attempts to put
> the word "deranged" in my mouth:
Mario responds:
No one can put words in another adult's mouth in a
political debate.  This is a transparent attempt to
deflect the issue.
Santosh writes:
> I never asserted that Saddam Hussein had a
> "deranged" criminal mind. I merely inquired and 
> wondered as to why Mario does not believe that 
> Saddam Hussein has a "deranged criminal mind", 
> because he raised that specific point, and 
> expressed disbelief. I also asked Mario to read a 
> book on the psychology of political leaders.
Mario responds:
Regardless of what anyone thinks of Saddam's mind,
there can be no excuses for his brutal and sadistic
Santosh writes:
> Please note that in my initial reference to Saddam
> Hussein I stated that he possesses "the criminal
> mind of a murderous dictator". 
Mario responds:
Santosh posted this only after I asked him to explain
why Saddam was unable to account for his WMDs if he
had in fact destroyed these WMDs as he had agreed to
do in 1991, taking it to the point of losing his cushy
Since Santosh had been relentlessly opposing those
seeking to liberate Iraq from Saddam's brutal and
sadistic regime, his transparent attempt here was seen
as trying to excuse Saddam's actions based on his
mental condition. 
Santosh writes:
> I do not expect Mario or Peter to apologize to me
> for their misrepresentations of my assertions and my
> position in this public forum.
Mario responds:
If I had misrepresented Santosh's assertions and his
positions I would have gladly apologized.  However, in
the light of some of the most blatant and false
assertions about the legality of the liberation of
Iraq and his continued misrepresentations about what
is happening there, Santosh's words and attitude speak
for themselves and there is no basis for any apology. 
This request for an apology is simply another
transparent ploy by Santosh to garner some sympathy
from those who agree with him.

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