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|    Goanetters annual meet in Goa is scheduled for Dec 27, 2005 @ 4pm   |
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|The Riviera Opposite Hotel Mandovi, Panjim (near Ferry Jetty/Riverfront)|
|         Attending.......drop a line to [EMAIL PROTECTED]            |
--- Vidyadhar Gadgil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> "Peace on Earth" Means "No More War" by John Dear
> John Dear is a Jesuit priest, peace activist, and
> the author/editor of 20 books on peace and
> including most recently "The Questions of Jesus" and
> "Living Peace," both published by Doubleday. He is
> the coordinator of Pax Christi New Mexico. For
> information, see: www.fatherjohndear.org and
> www.paxchristinewmexico.org
> Published on Saturday, December 24, 2005 by
> CommonDreams.org
> http://www.commondreams.org/views05/1224-21.htm
> The story goes that when the nonviolent Jesus was
> born into abject poverty to homeless refugees on the
> outskirts of a brutal empire, angels appeared in the
> sky to impoverished shepherds singing, "Glory to God
> in the highest and peace on earth!" That child grew
> to become, in Gandhi's words, "the greatest
> resister in the history of the world," and was
> subsequently executed by the empire for his
> on justice.
Mario observes:
I'm not sure what political version of Christianity
would lead a Jesuit priest to refer to the new-born
Jesus as "nonviolent", and to describe HIM as "born
into abject poverty" to "homeless refugees", both of
which are Biblical falsehoods.  Joseph was a
professional carpenter and he and Mary were not
"homeless" nor "refugees", simply unable to find
lodgings that night.  One would think any priest would
know this stuff.  Or is Fr. Dear a  political activist
with an agenda?
The author continues:
> This weekend, as tens of millions of Christians
> across the country celebrate the birth of the Prince
> Peace, the U.S. wages war in Iraq, Afghanistan,
> and elsewhere; crushes the hungry, homeless,
> imprisoned and refugee; and maintains the world's
> terrorist threat--its nuclear arsenal.
> Like Herod, Pilate and their soldiers, we have
rejected the 
> angels' call for "peace on earth." When Bush,
Cheney, Rumsfeld 
> and their warmaking supporters celebrate Christmas,
they mock 
> Christ and his steadfast nonviolence, and carry on
> massacre of the innocents.
Mario observes:
I wonder if Mr. Gadgil can post some of Fr. Dear's
writings that may have confronted the REAL massacre of
innocents, the hundreds of thousands of Iraqi citizens
massacred by Saddam Hussein in his attempts to
maintain his brutal dictatorship, 5,000 in a single
chemical attack in Halabja, further hundreds of
thousands of innocent civilians when he pre-emptively
attacked Iran and Kuwait, and dozens of innocent
Israelis who were killed by suicide bombers whose
families were paid bounties of $ 25,000 each. 
I'd like to know what Fr. Dear's did to confront the
ongoing violence in Sudan, and previously in Rwanda
and Burundi, Sierra Leone and Liberia.
I wonder what Fr. Dear had to say about the 3.75
million innocents massacred by the VietCong and Khmer
Rouge after the US was coerced into a political
retreat from Vietnam and Cambodia by people who think
like Fr. Dear.
I wonder if Fr. Dear is aware that it was Osama Bin
Laden who unilaterally and pre-emptively declared war
on the US at the height of Bill Clinton's
appeasement-oriented administration, and then levied a
series of deadly attacks on US interests in NY, Kenya,
Tanzania, Somalia, Saudi Arabia, Yemen and back to NY
on 9/11?
I wonder if Fr. Dear knows that, just a few weeks ago,
Alman al-Zuhawiri said that al-Qaeda's goal was to
force the Muslim countries in the middle-east into a
jihadi Islamist Caliphate which would defeat the west
and finally achieve the 60 year goal of eliminating
Israel?  Has Fr. Dear written an essay objecting to
this?  Maybe Mr. Gadgil can confirm.
I wonder if Fr. Dear missed Iran's Mahmoud
Ahmadinejad's recent confirmation of Iran's goal of
"wiping Israel off the map"?  Has Fr. Dear written an
essay objecting to this?  Maybe Mr. Gadgil can
Fr. Dear continues:
> If the angels are correct, then Christmas requires
us to 
> welcome God's gift of peace on earth. In such a
time, that 
> means we have to work for an end to war.  Christmas
calls us 
> to become like Christ--people of active, creative,
> nonviolence who give our lives in resistance to
empire and war.
Mario observes:
Maybe I missed this in my scriptual studies but where
does our religion teach us that we must be selective
in the violence that we oppose, tacitly supporting the
violence of dictatorial tyrants by looking the other
way, then "actively and creatively" opposing the
US-led coalition trying to STOP the violence being
perpetrated by the tyrants on innocent civilians in an
attempt to deny them freedom and democracy.  Does Fr.
Dear's version of Christianity prefer that Muslims be
terrified subjects of brutal dictators?
Fr. Dear writes:
> First, Christmas celebrates the birth of a life of
> nonviolence and calls us to become people of active 
> nonviolence. 
Mario responds:
I don't think Jesus was as selectively nonviolent as
Fr. Dear seems to be.  BTW, didn't Jesus chase the
money changers out of the temple, violently?  Is this
"perfect" non-violence?
Fr. Dear writes:
> Christmas puts poverty front and center and demands
that we 
> work to abolish poverty itself so that every human
being has 
> food, clothing, housing, healthcare, education,
employment and 
> a lifetime of peace.
Mario responds:
I would like to see YOUR plan, Fr. Dear, for
abolishing poverty.  I guess you would support Robin
Hood's approach, since Karl Marx's approach failed
Fr. Dear writes:
> Third, since Christmas illustrates how God sides
with the poor 
> in order to liberate the oppressed from poverty and
> it calls us to reject greed, give away our money and

> possessions to those in need, and also live in
solidarity with 
> the disenfranchised.
Mario observes:
I guess Fr. Dear has somehow missed noticing the
conspicuous and obscene wealth that the Catholic
Church wallows in.  Has he ever been to Rome or
Florence or Venice or Padua?  Has he seen Pope
Benedict XVI in Prada shoes, resplendant in gold and
diamonds and ermine?  Has Fr. Dear ever suggested that
the Catholic Church eschew calling it's leaders
Princes, and set an example by demolishing the
sickening display of wealth at the Vatican and
distributing it to the poor.
What is Fr. Dear's explanation for how the Catholic
Church got from the manger that Christ was born in -
in abject poverty to homeless parents according to his
false and politically motivated descriptions - to the
palaces of Rome run by the "Princes of the Church"?
Fr. Dear writes:
> From now on, we reject exclusivity, racism, sexism,
> discrimination of any kind, and embrace everyone as
equal. We 
> stand on the margins with the excluded, the
marginalized, the 
> outsiders and outcasts. From there, we envision a
> reconciled humanity.
Mario observes:
"From now on, we reject..."?  Wow!  Finally a tacit
admission that "we" have done nothing all this time of
what we preach.  Now, apparently, it's time to act.
Fr. Dear writes:
> Fifth, as Gandhi pointed out, there is a straight
line from 
> the crib to the cross. Christ practiced steadfast
> resistance to imperial injustice and was brutally
> That bloody outcome is crucial to the story, and
calls us to 
> work for the abolition of the death penalty so that
> will never be crucified again and the killing stops
once and 
> for all.
Mario observes:
I find it interesting that Fr. Dear is concerned about
the few GUILTY criminals sentenced to die every year
after over a decade of appeals to make sure of their
guilt, and has not a word of compassion to say about
the MILLIONS of innocent unborn who are torn limb from
limb and thrown into the thrash every year.  Is it
because his fellow left wing radicals support this
REAL and DEADLY "massacre of the innocents"?
Fr. Dear writes:
> Sixth, since the birth of Christ means that every
> life is beloved by God, that all human beings are
> children, we have to treat every human being on the
planet as 
> our very own sister and brother which means we must
oppose war 
> and work for the abolition of war itself. In
particular, we 
> denounce Bush's war on Iraq, demand that the troops
> home, and call for reparations and nonviolent
solutions to the 
> horrors we have brought upon the people of the
Middle East.
Mario responds:
Once again we see so clearly the selective tacit
approval for the brutality of the tyrants, and
opposition to those who are trying to STOP them from
killing innocent Iraqi men, women and children in an
attempt to deny them freedom and democracy.  Fr. Dear
seems as callously indifferent to the plight of
innocent civilians as the pedophile priests were of
their victims.
Fr. Dear writes:
> Seventh, if the angels celebrate the coming of
"peace on 
> earth," that means they are environmentalists. We
too have to 
> protect the earth, oppose its destruction, defend
> creatures and the universe, and help make the earth
a place of 
> peace for every life form.
Mario responds:
The angels are "environmentalists"?  I wonder who
protected the Earth all those millions of years before
we puny humans showed up.  Now "every life form" must
be protected?  I guess Fr. Dear is a vegan who uses a
mask to protect germs from himself.  But wait.  Didn't
one of our Indian scientists show that even plants are
"living" creatures?  I guess Fr. Dear must subsist on
love and selective non-violenmce since even the air
and water may have a "life form" that deserves
Fr. Dear continues:
> Eighth, Christmas means working for the abolition of
> weapons. These weapons are idolatrous and
blasphemous. Their 
> very existence insults the God of peace and mocks
> nonviolent Jesus. We can't celebrate Christmas and
at the same 
> time work at Los Alamos, Livermore Labs, the Nevada
Test Site, 
> or the Pentagon, or be silent while this work goes
on We
> must reject this love or death and destruction, and
> life, the God of life, and a new world without
> weapons.
Mario responds:
The political agenda becomes more apparent.  Fr. Dear
obviously objected to the nuclear weapons that stopped
WW-II in 4 days, after over 4 years of mayhem and
violence that killed millions in the attempt to STOP
the brutal killings by the Nazis, Fascists and
Imperialists.  I guess Fr. Dear also tacitly supported
the Nazis, Fascists and Imperialists, just as he
tacitly supports the Islamo-fascists causing mayhem on
innocent victims in the middle-east.
I wonder if Christ would approve of Fr. Dear's
selective opposition to violence.

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