|                         Wishing all Goanetters                         |
|                             a Prosperous                               |
|                                  and                                   |
|                         Happy New Year - 2006                          |
|                    Goanet - http://www.goanet.org                      |


On 19th November last year during my vacation in Goa, I was invited by the organizers to address a public meeting at Moira where Mathanay Saldanha, Victoria Fernandes, Nirmala Sawant, Maharastra Bar Council Member Adv. Antonio Lobo, Dr. Boney, members of different political parties, NGO representatives and many others seated at the dais, attended and addressed the gathering. Florian Lobo of Suuraj Party as a leading person behind this public meeting was compering the proceedings. One of the speakers while delivering his speech stated that “according to my confirmed information, one rich party in Maharastra gave an instruction to his representative in Goa to purchase any land available for sale anywhere in Goa”. This was shocking news for me and for all Goa lover Goans like me. When my turn came to address the meeting, I, while referring to this disturbing statement, described the gathered people how Goa is in the process of another Palestine making not by the Jews scattered all over the globe but by the non-Goans who like real Jews, coming to Goa and with the help of our Christian and Hindu local politicians from BJP & Congress parties purchasing Goan lands and properties and becoming naturalized Goans. In this way they are capturing every part of Goa and altering demographic structure of Goa. In late nineteenth century with the backing of Britain, Jews had their Council in Basle, Switzerland where they discussed and decided to have them their own homeland and in the name of Biblical statement of “Chosen People by God and Promised Land” they took a decision to make Arab Palestine as their homeland by uprooting local peace loving Palestinian Arabs from their lands, settlements and residences. The process then of dePalestianisation of Palestine started in the beginning of 20th century by way of purchasing the Palestinian lands by the Jews coming from all around the globe mainly the West and Africa. The Jews coming to Palestine were very skillful, intelligent, crooks, cunnings, murderers, traitors, ruthless, hard hearted as against docile Palestinians and financially richer than Palestinian Arabs. By the time the last world war got over good portion of Palestine was purchased by the Jews and thus they became the owners of Palestine. This helped them to capture full control of Palestine in the process of establishment of the State of Israel. Later on it is history.

Now coming back to Goa. Our greatest misfortune was not the fact that Portugal ruled over us till 19th December 1961, our greatest misfortune was not Nehru’s Bharat annexed Goa by force without taking into consideration the opinion of Goans who mattered the most. Our greatest misfortune was that in the first general election in Goa MGP came to power and Bandodkar became the Chief Minister of Goa. From here all our ills started because MGP under the leadership of Bandodkar decided to deGoanise Goa. The day MGP got the majority of Seats in the Goa Assembly Election that very first day the deGoanisation process started in full swing and this process was directed especially against Christians in Goa. MGP and Bandodkar including all his MLA’s started showing dislike for Goa, its culture, its tradition, its language, Christians and everything that is genuine Goan. The illegitimate Son of Goa started legitimizing everything and everyone illegitimate in Goa. That Bandodkar came on the political scene of Goa and became Chief Minister of Goa was the only historical mistake that happened in Goa. The current chief minister of Goa Mr. Rane was Bandodkars colleague and supporter and being so he is following into the footsteps of his mentor Bahuji. This Rane will never do anything good for Goa and Goans. He dislike Goans, he dislike Christians as did Bandodkar and for this reason he got married to a non-Goan girl and on top of it is taking pride in non-Goan wife whose real interests are antiGoan and anti-Goa and in this direction she is pushing her already anti-Goan husband whose ancestry is deeply embedded in Maharastra/Gujarat.

Dayananda Bandodkar before the first general election in Goa had a secret meeting, as per the reports available then, with Maharastra leaders to liquidate Goa as Goa, liquidate Konkani as a language and totally diminish the influence of Christians in Goa. In this direction he after becoming the Chief Minister inducted deputationists and Maharastrians into Goa’s administration who implanted in our clean, upright and decent administration and decent way of life everything corrupt. In front of me once he took pride in talking in Marathi with Pankar proving to me that Marathi is more superior to Konkani. He allowed the Maharastrians and other non-Goans to take foothold of Goa and today these very non-Goans and their children in Goa are dictating terms to us. Bandodkar and his MGP made easy for non-Goans not only to purchase Goa but also to swallow gradually the entire Goa and the same thing they and their children are doing now in Goa. The corruption in uncorrupt Goa was introduced in Goa by the deputationists, Maharastrians and Malyalis brought in Goa by Bandodkar and his MGP. The bribing and sex scandal culture thereby degrading morality in public life was inducted firmly in Goa by the bribery prone non Goans and sex maniacs from Maharastra, Kerala, Delhi and other parts of Bharat. The gangsters and criminals coming from Maharastra, Kerala and other parts of Bharat were allowed freedom to act freely in Goa by MGP and Bandodkar. The first top criminal in post-Portuguese period in Goa was a non-Goan, Kumar by name and who was later on hanged at Aguada. When he was hanged, popular Kuwait tiatrists Tony Call rendered a beatiful song in Kuwait giving full details of the crime and Kumar.

Today the Goa that we are witnessing is no more what it was earlier. Outsiders are become kings and queens in Goa, they are capitalizing on the weaknesses of Goans. They are coming to Goa as slaves and gradually becoming masters in our lands. Kashmiris are coming to Goa in big number now. In Mapusa near the market place, in one big field near the Petrol Pump, one more market place is appeared where the Kashmiris and other North Indians have purchased lands there and shopping places with exorbitantly high prices from Goans and they are doing all sorts of businesses there and we Goans and tourists are buying all sorts of goods from them and fattening their purses. The Kashmiris coming from disturbed Kashmir are increasing their number in Goa tremendously, they are rich and smart. In coastal areas they not only have taken foothold of our lands and properties but also of our girls who with the lure of good money flirt with them and other non-Goans while our Church leaders are doing nothing worthwhile. If this situation is not arrested now then I am afraid Goa may turn out to be another disturb arear. In the Ferryboats while crossing from Panjim to Betim, in Buses plying from Calangute to Panjim and Mapusa and other places you find nobody except non-Goans and they are acting as if they are the owners of Goa. Our gangsters, our local Christian and Hindu politicians are fit only to frighten us and rob us while non-Goans are finishing us. Our leading and ruling politicians are looking everything silently because they are getting their bribes handsomely. While deGoanisation process is going on in full swing my non-Christian brothers who earlier in bigger number supporting MGP are becoming more alert and conscious now, they are now feeling the sense of insecurity and getting closer to Christians who have done yeomen services for the cause of protection of Goa, its identity, history and tradition. Goa can be easily saved only if both the communities think and work together for the protection of Goa. In the past many of the battles for the cause of Goa were won only when a good number of non-Christians joined hands with Christians in common cause. I am happy that many of my non-Christian brothers who formerly siding and patronizing non-Goans, during my last visit to Goa were telling me to raise my voice and do my writings in support of the protection of Goa. If the intellectually low level non-Christians were to act properly earlier, Goa would have been a haven for Goans. If United Goans Party had to win the first general Election in Goa under the leadership of Dr. Jack Sequeia things would have been better for all the communities in Goa irrespective of their relious affinity. On the contrary, MGP was treated as the party of Hindus and UGP of Christians and Nehru's Congress of Hindu Saraswats. Overwhelming majority of the MGP supporters had their anchestry in Maharastra. Those who call themselves as Goans but have their ancestry beyond the borders of Goa will never show patriotism for Goa and its causes.

While concluding it is my request to every expatriate Goan not to sell his/her land, ancestral houses and properties, not even “Khomttis” to anyone even if they are lured with high profit. Christian Goans should take more note of this because they are become more guilty in selling their lands to non-Goans with high profits. The day Bharati army entered Goa forcefully, the entire Goa was into the hands of Goan Bhatkars mainly the Christians. But gradually instead of developing and creating something there on their lands, they started selling it to non-Goans and to our enemies from Goa itself. Similarly in this transaction our Catholic church also got involved by selling cheaply the prime lands of "Confrarias". Many of the West settled Christian Goans are guilty of this sacrilege against their mother land and some of them are hawling abuses thru internet on non-Goans settled in Goa. Land is fixed and it will finish fast from our hands if we dispose it off to non-Goans. Those Goans who can afford to purchase Goan lands from abroad, they should do so. Expatriate Goans can help in the protection of Goa by way of not selling their lands and properties to non Goans. Our identity is our land, however small and shabby it may be. After all it is ours.

A. Veronica Fernandes,

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|                    Goa - 2005 Santosh Trophy Champions                 |
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|      Support Soccer Activities at the grassroots in our villages       |
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